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Everything posted by sparkleshoes

  1. If you are a qualified mobile beauty therapists and/or nail technician and interested in some work can you please PM me with your details and if possible the postcodes you cover. Thank you
  2. Yes, I would like to set up so trying to do a bit of research
  3. Thanks so much for your answer Chez. Really appreciated.
  4. Hi Everyone, I'd really appreciate some feedback if you have beauty treatments... Could anyone who has beauty therapies please tell me if you have a mobile therapist or if you visit a salon? Could you please tell me why you make that choice and if you are feeling extra nice, tell me what postcode you live in and which treatments you have? Any info would be appreciated. Thank you Kerry
  5. Hello, Does anyone please know of any newsagents/companies who will deliver papers to the below?: Chambers Way Newton Chambers Road Thorncliffe Park Chapeltown S35 I need to receive national and local papers Mon-Fri. Struggling to find anyone that delivers. Thank you
  6. I'm surprised you are allowed them, might be worth checking first, would hate for you to get one and then be asked to give them up
  7. Look out on ebay for storage heaters and also people renovating. They are usually pick up only as they are so heavy, so you will get a good price. I rent out a flat and the storage heater went. I managed to get one from someone renovating and they gave it me for free. There were loads on Ebay toot. If getting any from ebay you would need to think about how to collect them and carry them, etc due to their weight. I know what you mean in that they don't look the best though. It depends how long you are planning on staying in your flat for I suppose and if you will need to sell. Maybe do a bit of research and see what heating systems are avaialble and what will hold the most value to your flat and then see what it is worth spending the money on. Remember, you don't have to do everything at once
  8. Yes it is. French chef too. Really nice food. would recommend.
  9. there's one on sharrowvale rd called cafe ceres. It's lovely.
  10. Did they change the price of the hairdryer in the actual shop? As the website is national it may be a little different.
  11. Hi All, I am not sure if this is the best place to make this post, but here it goes... I am organising an Xmas Fair at Sheffield Students' Union. I would like to invite stall holders on Tuesday 14th December. The time of the fair will be 11.30-3pm. Set up will be from 10.30am and close down will be from 3pm. There will be no charge for stalls. I am after people to sell gifts. Unfortunately, we do not require any stalls to sell food. If you are interested then please pm me with following: Your business name: What you will be selling: Your contact email: Your contact number: Upon receicing this, I will see if what you are selling is relevant to the fair and will contact you. Thank you Kerry
  12. Just a couple of suggestions: Try changing the style of font and not using different colours of font either. Try and choose a font to use on the whole of the website and choose uniform sizes. For instance, 1 size for main text and a second size of the same font for titles.
  13. it's quite nice. Which bit are you looking at? Some areas of it don't have very good public transport and local shops, but depends which bit you are looking at.
  14. Sheffield students can use a Red Sack scheme. The students fill their red sacks with the rubbish they can't fit in their bins, leave the saks on theh pavement and they get collected. There is still quite alot of Rusbbish left around Ecclesall way even though the students went about a month ago.
  15. Hi, Does anyone know where I can get a door dipped and stripped in Sheffield, pref Hunters Bar area. Sharrowvale Pine don't do it and most the other threads of recommended people who do it are outdated. Pref need someone around Ecclesall/Hunters Bar area or someone who can collect. Cheers!
  16. yes they are super expensive!! Dummys are cheaper and in my personal opinion look better than Mannequins. I just found this on google: (not sure of quality of these ones though) http://www.tradelines.co.uk/pages/displaybody.html If you still want Mannequins then there is a dress agency on Chesterfield Rd S8 that seems to have lots in there window so may be worth asking them where they got theirs from... I think it's called new 2 you?
  17. If I renew my pasport do I get to keep my old one?
  18. Do you know where they are holding it?
  19. thank you! Looks good. Does anyone know any others aswell? Thank you
  20. Wasabi Sabi every time!!!!! Best place to at Sushi is Wasabi Sabi. Their lunch time deal is fantastic and though it is more expensive than a similar deal offered by Yama Sushi, the Ramen Noodle Soup @ Wasabi Sabi has much better quality ingredients. The atmosphere is also much more relaxing compared to Yama Sushi which feels more like a cafe. The Sushi is nice from Yama Sushi though and I definitly wouldn'y rule it out as a place to eat suchi for lunch. Sakushi, what is that all about? Not worth wasting your money on. We eat Sushi on a regular basis, but after going to Sakushi once, we wouldn't go again. The layout of the restaurant is not nice; usual sushi train restaurants have the chefs in the middle, but at Sakushi the track/belt runs back on itself with no gap meaning that you are very close to diners on the other side. As for the sushi, a piece that I had was topped with a swirl of satay sauce which must have been out of a ketchup style bottle and there was a big line of dried up satay sauce that must have been the first bit out of the bottle. The drinks selection isn;t very good either, im sure i remember them not serving asahi. hmmmm.... Anyone elsde thingk Sakushi isn't very good?
  21. Looking for fitness classes Hunters Bar Sheffield, S11. Most the threads I can find are from 2008 :/ Thank you!
  22. does ladyzone eccy road have running machines?
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