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Is there ever a time to take pleasure in someone else's misery?

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This morning I was woken up at around 8:30 to the sounds of Kier repairing the windows in the foyer of my block of flats.

After about 10 minutes I could hear the man upstairs from me wailing for them to shut up.

This made me smile.

As I am in the process of trying to have him and his screeching wife removed from the block for anti social behaviour, mainly noise, I feel my pleasure was justified.

Have you ever felt justified in taking pleasure from anothers misfortune?

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In your case then YES!

From the little youve told me of the people up there, they deserve to suffer every day.


Some people are GAGGING for retribution and I see absolutely no harm at all in enjoying their hell.


I know a couple of people who have spent years and a good part of their time making life hell for others out of pure selfishness and theres one in particular who, since last September, is now living in purgatory because of it, his life is a nightmare and gets worse by the day and Im loving it, it gives me a scrummy warm feeling inside to see his haggared face and all the weight hes lost, and what REALLY turns me on the most is .... I have the power to make things a hundred times worse for him...all I have to do is make one phone call and his hell will increase and come to a headand he`ll probably end up in prison.


Im savouring every moment, as long as Im NOT phoning the scuffers, hes paying out more rope for his noose and making things worse for himself.

Theres also a rather voilent family who want a little ..."Chat" with him too and its in my power to contact them and tell them where hes lurking...


Life is good. :D





Actually Im not sure if it would be a police matter, but his place of work might think it is, theyd certainly sack him.

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But the greatest pleasure is when someone who has caused you an enormous amount of annoyance gets their cumuppance without you having any hand in it at all.


Thats true, Karma and all that stuff, let the world take its revenge so you don't have to

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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Thats true, Karma and all that stuff, let the world take its revenge so you don't have to


Yes I'm a great believer in Karma, although sometimes it does need a helping hand. This afternoon I'm going to put up those seven shelves I've been meaning to do.

Lots and lots of drilling:D

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Of course it is, the germans even have a word for it. But the greatest pleasure is when someone who has caused you an enormous amount of annoyance gets their cumuppance without you having any hand in it at all.


I don't know about that, I usualy like to send them a post card informing them who set them up so there's no missunderstanding.


I find a full gloat to be greatly satisfying:twisted:



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I find a full gloat to be greatly satisfying:twisted:




Agreed! Theres nothing quite as satisfying as a good old gloat is there?


Even that word: Shardenfreude...Shaaaardenfreuuuuude has a nice ring to it, its one of those words that you can really get your teeth into and relish.

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