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Has anyone ever worked in Dubai

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i have just heard my friend has applied for a nursing post in Dubai

Great pay, lots of hols, and paid return flights home every six weeks.

not spoken to her yet personally but just wondered how great it is out there


Erm, I have never worked there, but I stopped off there on my recent trip to Oz. The city itself was a mess due to the levels of construction going on at the moment, but once all that is done, it will be an amazing place. Other than that, there are plenty or shops and other recreational stuff to keep you occupied whilst you arent at work. Apart from the unbearable heat of the day (48 degrees whilst I was there), it's has a lot going for it. I did speak to an Australian solicitor who was sat beside me on the flight and she said she enjoyed it, but hated being away from her family. Although, she did praise her employer for giving her free return flights every two months to see her family in Oz.


Hope this helps.

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I was watching a program (One of the Discovery channels, about the call centres they were building) And it said in the rush hour traffic, 60%!!! of the people on the roads were contractors/overseas workers, really is booming..


Yeah, I think I read somewhere that the local population is made up of over 80% of foreign nationals. It's truly a multi-national destination!!

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My best friends sister went to Dubai about 4yrs ago and she still lives there. She was working as a hairdresser for Tony and Guy done that for about a yr and then met and married a REALLY rich Norweigian guy who has a shipping business. Now she doesn't work and has just had a wee baby, has a maid, a nanny, a driver etc. She said she'd never return to live in the UK.


I also know a guy I went to school with who lives and works in Dubai. He's in aviation and his employers pay for return flights home every 8 weeks, the money is fab, he lives like a king and is well looked after by his employers.


I've I could handle the heat and didn't burn when it's 10degrees outside (and had a desireable skill - i don't think there's much call for customer service managers) then I wouldn't think twice about it!


Do it while your young and have the chance, she'll regret it if she doesn't.

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