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Homers boy

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Everything posted by Homers boy

  1. Good shooting too. Apparently the 3 pirates who were shot got hit in the head. Not an easy thing to do to a somali.
  2. Another pile of complete crap. Jeez you lot should take the chip off ya shoulders and get a life:rolleyes:.
  3. Lol. Yeah that was very embarrasing for me but the councilling is helping:hihi:
  4. Most men who get angry at the wheel do so as they suffer from SPS (small penis syndrome) and so they cant help getting all wound up. Next time something like this happens you need to hold out your little finger and wiggle it like a tiny little worm. Then laugh out loud. That will shut em up.
  5. Corrected my mistake. Thanks for pointing out the error of my ways:hihi:
  6. Cos like all politians hes an effin coward who is only in politics for himself the greedy, thieving, loathesome, unelected, stupid, one eyed, Scottish lying, fat get!
  7. Agree completely. I saw one such application where they chap spent half of it giving reasons why he couldnt do the job he was applying for. Makes you wonder why the job centre dont do something about it.
  8. Silly fat cow should be prosecuted for causing mental distress to the bear.
  9. Perhaps it wasnt worth the stamp. They cant acknowledge every single applicant if they get loads of em.
  10. Looks like it. Just you try saing owt about islam though and see what happens. Seems like some are allowed to discriminate.
  11. Should hav read that before i ate my tea really:hihi:
  12. Somalis crack me up they really do with their little peanut heads and funny faces.
  13. Cant you get white and paint or spray it?
  14. Once again our boys in blue are concentrating on the easy targets. Why not put a few of these cameras in areas where they may do some bloody good instead of screwing the motorist.!!! Catch some real criminals with them instead of finding yet another stick to beat the motorists with.
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