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Everything posted by bladesgal4ev

  1. My bitch was spayed just over a week after her phantom pregnancy as that's what the vets advised as she was becoming really over protective of a toy chicken lol
  2. my staffi was attacked by a cocker spaniel all my dog did was cower in total fright so you can't label all dogs as any dog can become dangerous
  3. they do that to start with but 20calls later they get gobby
  4. i just found it strange that the guy was really aggresive when i said i would not comply and answer there questions they then stated my adress and asked again how old was my t.v i said it was 70yr old and that the make was elephant
  5. any body else recieving calls from 01623811245 this number asking what t.v they have??
  6. depends wich part of spotswood as spotswood road as no trouble what so ever spotswood drive where the flats are is just the usual kids playing on the field spotswood mount is also rather quite so yes it's absolutley lovely thanks
  7. it's a good idea as newfield green shops are quite a treck but i wouldn't like to walk to it in the dark as i'm sure it's going to turn into a new youthclub for underage drinkers
  8. i drove past there the other day o maybe week and it didn't look like it was ready to open
  9. i need water in order to boil water to soak towels in no comment
  10. thats what the nice man at the council office told us to do and nobody else's on our block is frozen. so i am hopeing to achieve water
  11. we have had hairdryer on the stop tap since about 8am and still no luck just want to see a trickle of water
  12. we have had hairdryer on the stop tap for the past hour on and off not done owt though glad there was water in my kettle
  13. as title says does anybody else have no running water?
  14. street force were out fillin the bins yesterday as when i walked down to get some grit well sand they filled my bags up for me and even carried them upto my house for me which was quite a walk from the bin
  15. i offerd to go to the shops for my elderly neighbours got there and the shelves were bare but the did assure me that they had powderd milk
  16. it's like the car abandoned on gleadless hill had window/s smashed wich part of s14??
  17. i went out at 6am to get to my elderly clients and i shall be back out at 11am to go give them there lunch and make sure they are nice and warm then i shall come home and be back out at 5pm n then again at 8pm thanks for your concern
  18. yea but it's the posties that have not deliverd the mail to the delivery offices isn't they should walk and get sledges.
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