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Miss Tryphena

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Everything posted by Miss Tryphena

  1. Knitting by hand the old fashioned way instead of using a knitting machine.
  2. The Crafty Crafters are organising a day trip to the Knitting and Stitching show in Harrogate on Saturday 22nd November. The coach will be leaving from Handsworth. Please email handsworthstitch@aol.com for details. Thankyou.
  3. The Crafty Crafters are organising a day trip to the Knitting and Stitching show in Harrogate on Saturday 22nd November. The coach will be leaving from Handsworth. Please email handsworthstitch@aol.com for details. Thankyou.
  4. This thread was started in February and to the best of my knowledge nothing was set up. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. I thought this is an event and therefore should be listed under events as a great many other charitable goings on are. And before you send me a backlash I haven't got anything to do with anything moving on this forum.
  6. May be interested in a stall but depends on the date.
  7. The guy who ran the re-enactment is Howard Giles at http://www.eventplan.co.uk
  8. Sheffield council, in their wisdom, decided not to pay the organisers of the re-enactment side of Sheffield Fayre event. That is why all the groups now go to other events on the bank holiday weekend.
  9. I'd like to know what time to meet up as well. Thanks.
  10. Thats because they take a long time to make and since time equals money anything hand made and of quality costs. Most people wouldn't want to work for a few pennies an hour. It's a point that most people don't really think of but is obvious when you do think of it.
  11. Have you loked on Ravelry? There are lots of free patterns on there but you may have to search things like vest top as well as tank top.
  12. The Crafty Crafters are a group of people who meet every two weeks at the Stradbroke Community building on Richmond Road, Sheffield. Our members take part in most crafts and are always willing to help. The format of the meetings is bring along a project, have a natter, a cup of tea or coffee and a bit of cake, but most importantly have fun. The only downside is our meeting room is upstairs and there is no lift Meetings are held of Fridays at 7pm till 9pm. All contact details and instructions on how to find us are on http://www.stradbrokecc.co.uk. Our first meeting of the year is this Friday (14th). All are welcome. First meeting is free, normally £2 a meeting to cover the rent etc.
  13. A friend of mine is a lefty and I'm sure she picks up the stitches with RS facing but just goes around the neck the other way so it would be down the right edge, up the left edge and across the back of the neck. Just means the join is on the other side which shouldn't be noticable once everything is done.
  14. Use a bum bag with coin bags inside to keep your change separate, I've done that for years.
  15. I would have been interested in this but I've been booked into another fair for that weekend for the last six months! Please let us know if you run any other fairs though as stall holders are always interested.
  16. The Crafty Crafters meet every two weeks at the Stradbroke Community building on a friday evening. 7pm till 9pm. Friendly group, only dowside is our meeting room is upstairs and there is no lift. Next meeting is the 22nd.
  17. That little cardi looks so familiar. I will have a rummage through my patterns because there is something stirring in the old grey cells!
  18. It was under the virtuetovictory name, will have a look and send it again.
  19. I think you may need to put up another post before you can answer a PM. Still keeping an eye out for you
  20. There are alot of fairs mentioned in the crafts section and you could try looking at http://www.stallfinder.com
  21. Have you tried looking at either of these websites. http://www.knittingpatterncentral.com which is full of free patterns or http://www.ravelry.com. Ravelry is free to join and has a lot of free patterns and quite a few more that only cost a couple of pounds. If I see anything I will let you know.
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