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Everything posted by anarchist

  1. So how would you have worded it then? You either think the truth should be told or you think it should be witheld:loopy:
  2. Quite. The most unpopular man in Britain seems to be heading for that iceberg, and intends taking his entire crew down with him when he drowns.
  3. Yes Slanderous remarks made in a letter to the Star as well.:suspect: I wonder what the Dore Village Association will have to say about that?
  4. [quote=alchresearch;3612763 You wouldn't want your food prepared in a kitchen with flaking paint coming off the walls. Or with a lavatory leading off the cooking area.
  5. Structural compliance is most likely a failure to instal the proper drain intercepts and extractors. It can be just as detrimental to food hygene. A takeaway near here systematically poured cooking fats down the drain where they solidified and caused floods in surrounding businesses. Of course if your drains are blocked it eventually stops you maintaining your own hygene regimes as well.
  6. You are indeed an upstanding citizen. However what is in your bin is not untypical and often not bagged. I wonder what Mr Wheeley Bin would do if you did not bag stuff and asked them to wash it instead?
  7. This is very true. I had a takeaway from one of the multinational chains some years ago. It tasted odd and went into the bin. Too late!!!! Within 2 days I was in Lodgemoor surrounded by plastic screens having tested positive for typhoid. I managed to loose 14 pounds in 8 days even though I was thin as a lat. Fortunately it was not actually typhoid but a strain of another nasty that shared antibodies. Otherwise I would perhaps not have survived. Even so I was under the doctor for 18 months afterwards, and had to have surgery on my intestines. I no longer take chances. Although I can highly recommend it if you want to loose weight
  8. Nothing new there then. This seems to be a common feature af Albert':loopy:s postings.
  9. It is rather an odd title for the thread in that case. Beer festival at Cliffhanger in July
  10. Still crime is reducing... or so the Government would have us believe:suspect:
  11. Are the public generally aware of this? This is news to me. If they think I am standing in a bus queue at Tescos to get in and another to get out they are dreaming.
  12. I don't see a petition about income tax, VAT, alcohol duty, tax on fags, tax on insurance, tax on air flights, or all the stealth taxes Brown introduced. I think this is a bit different.:roll:
  13. In that case it served its purpose didn't it?
  14. That's the problem with these foreign products. A translation suggests you pee in the glass.
  15. Lawn? Luxury. We had a grass verge to park our 4 Cavalliers and Carlton, and not a tax disc or MOT between them.
  16. So once again it is necessary to ask the question. Why are there 2 councillors on the board of trustees, and why are they both from the Labour Party?
  17. Email the link to your mates and ask them to pass it on. Lets increase Alistair Darlings toilet roll bill:D
  18. Check out this link and sign the fuel duty protest petition http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/Lowerduty30/
  19. You need to check whether the cold water in the bathroom come straight from the mains or from the water cistern. Easy way is to stick your finger over the end of the tap and turn it on. Mains pressure will spray water. Tank water will mean no more pressure than hot tap. If water is from the tank do not drink it. It might have 50 years worth of bacteria in there:gag:
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