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Everything posted by superblade1!

  1. Come and watch this amazing tribute to the Electric Light Orchestra. Coming to Sheffield City Hall on 27th June - 7:30pm. Tickets £20! Thanks, see you there!
  2. I live in Whirlow and Would quite happily stay here. If the opportunity arose i'd love to move into the country.
  3. i'd rather have katie price as prime minister than that idiot....he wouldn't touch this country with a barge pole anyway....hates us
  4. ashuka is nice...my rents allways go and i've been twice. nice food
  5. i liked that "posh" comic man, Peter Kay was good i thought! Michael Buble was really good. I thought puppet man was good. Er.......Alexander...boring.....Miley Cyrus....boring.....Paddy.....rubbish. And who could forget lady gaga....i could! except that extraordinary low bow to the Queen.
  6. I thought it was good. And if you'd have botherd to keep the puppet man on abit longer, you might have thought he was allright. I thought it was alltogether okay. Does it matter if the Queen sits in a box or not?
  7. IKEA = Bad hotdogs that give me food poisening.
  8. I think (allthough abit pricy) New Jasmine House at Parkhead is one of the best. Also Red Lion on London road is good..... what ya think?
  9. boris johnson. ughh!!! and i agree, Anne Widdecombe. i dont know why but her face just makes me think......"dry", like she needs to moisturise.
  10. AC/DC early bon scott stuff. cnt wait for the new album and tour! sheffield here they come
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