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Everything posted by the1

  1. Ever thought about just parking up and going in?. Most of the time its quicker than going in the drive throughs anyway imho...
  2. If anyone wants a job????. Try.. VENTURA!. I work for them in Rotherham (Manvers) and work for O2 in Pay Monthly Customer Services. After having work for Royal Mail for 7 years and having no experience in customer facing. I got the job, last July. It's not a bad job, the only thing that is bad is how they work the shifts. It's £6.99 an hour (I think?) And raises to £7.20 after 3/6 months. I was unemployed for just under a year before I got the job and lived off my credit card for a while so only know too well how hard it was to get a job. They are taking on now I believe and as long as you show a willingness to do the job (like all jobs really!)... you should get the job. After working there 6 months you get "30% off friends & family" discount that is also for your friends and family as well as yourself. Anybody wanting any info should search for "Ventura" on Google and you should find there website
  3. Just got my first flat lol and am looking for Laminate flooring from a shop/store that will fit it. I know it will cost and that is fine. Thought about trying Floors 2 Go (I think it is?) on Peniston Road.. Anybody have any ideas?. Don't really want to pay someone else, would much rather buy and get the guys at the store to fit it. Thanks.
  4. It's funny isn't it how eat meaters are told about free range. Does it matter how ever they get treated, as they are breed to be killed and eaten. I personal am not bothered if the chickens battery or not. If they weren't being killed to feed us, then fair enough as I am not in cruelty to animals and have a lovely Westie and would never do anything to harm him. However, I couldn't care less because they are meant to be killed. I know I will get flamed on my views as your not allowed to have an opinion in this forum. There is nothing that would prevent me eating meat and have watched programmes on BBC3 where and how they kill chickens, cows etc... abroad and in the UK. THEY ARE BREED TO BE KILLED AND EATEN!.
  5. I have heard that its a nightmare to get to if you don't have a car etc... and for me, its still a 35 minute drive from Sheffield. I think they are still taking on?. Try there website: https://www.venturacareers.co.uk
  6. I asked him if the jobs were "secure", as I understand a lot of call center jobs get outsourced to India and thus, job losses. He said "yes", unless you do something wrong. However, I am aware that the contract is a 3 trial and after that period they will either move you perm or get shut. The place is massive though, comprising of to buildings named "park" and "house". He said that there are 25 different companys that use there call center staff including RSPCA, SKY, RBS, O2, T-MOBILE to name but a few. I start my training in a few weeks but put it this way... I asked more questions to the interview'er than was asked to me and even he mentioned that he felt like he was being interviewed lol. He asked me 5 questions, stuff like: Give me an example when you showed Maturity?. How are you with meeting targets?. Etc..... It was the easy'est interview I have ever had. I will be working in the O2 department. Only time will tell if I am still there after the 3 month period?!.
  7. Well, just had my interview and got the job lol. It was an interview after all. Even if I don't like it, its experience. I went to the park bit and now have to go to house. They seem to be an ok company to work for????. However, we shall see and its better than being jobless for a further year.
  8. Can anybody help me?. I applied for a job at Ventura and the woman on the recruitment line said "let me book you a interview". Now, all the emails from them have referred to it as a "assessment". I have the interview/assessment tomorrow morning at 9am and there lines are closed. So, does anyone know if It's a interview or assessment?. Thankyou
  9. Can anybody help me?. I applied for a job at Ventura and the woman on the recruitment line said "let me book you a interview". Now, all the emails from them have referred to it as a "assessment". I have the interview/assessment tomorrow morning at 9am and there lines are closed. So, does anyone know if It's a interview or assessment?. Thankyou
  10. You should have used something called "engine flush", but never mind. It strikes me as rather odd that anyone would try and service there car without either researching or knowing what to do?. That being said, whats done is done. Try ringing around a few local garages and ask them. They can only say no at best lol.
  11. Wouldn't it be better to join any clubs/groups based on your interests?. That way, you will all have something in common. Just my 2p's worth lol.
  12. My girlfriend split up with me because I thought too much lol... I like to ponder rather than just watch TV, but dont really see the problem tbh... That being said, not everybody likes to and some people just like to accept and not analyise.
  13. I have the Desire and its a brilliant fone imho. Its better than the Iphone as without the OS the Iphone is nothing. The Desire has more to it than just apps, its the hardware that matters with this fone. At the moment its the best fone around and I have loads of friends that have jumped ship from the Iphone 3GS to this and haven't looked back . I have had the Desire for a month and love it If you want a cutting edge fone. Wait for the Samsung Galaxy S, which is both better than both the Iphone and Desire spec wise.
  14. Is it still under warranty?. If it is, book it in. Other than that, I Havent a clue am afraid..
  15. It should be Sunday Opening Hours on a Bank Holiday?. i.e.10am - 4pm
  16. Last time I went to Direct Cars, I asked for a test drive only for the salesman to turn around and say "No" only if you put a deposit down and you are going to buy it. We argued that, thats what the test drive was for. It was only a Fiesta lol & we just walked off. That was about 4/5 years ago and never been back since. Little did they know that I bought a Fiesta somewhere else just after lol.
  17. TBH dating sites now are alot different and more accepted than newspaper personals imho... I know loads of people that have found love through dating sites, not just sex or one night stands etc... Dating sites do work, but there is a problem. Its become a competition between men to try and get the girl (if you get what I mean?). If your not a Brad Pitt loook alike, then you haven't got a hope in hell to find someone nice looking. As the women tend to go for the better looking guys than the normal "Joe Bloggs". Its what I have noticed, plus alot of guys first message is "fancy a shag?" etc... So wrong imho, whatever happened to just talking & getting to know each other?!. I am into the more mature woman myself and have had a number of long term relentionships through "normal" dating sites... Just be yourself and get to know them, as you would if you got talking to someone in the street lol. Just my 2p's worth, but its worked for me .
  18. They do have competition (TNT, DHL etc...), but what people don't know is that it still goes through Royal Mail's network & is called DSA (Down Stream Access)... Royal Mail charge 13.5p per letter...
  19. Thanks everyone for there views ... I have decided to reject it based on the fact that its too far out & with the problems etc... The reason I bidded for it was purely because I was fed up after spending months, nah years trying to get a property and bidded using my mobile, thinking that I wouldn't have got it. Its better to bid, then at least you have the option.. It will go to someone else now lol.
  20. I still live with parents and bidded for it. At 27, I thought it would be the right time lol. I am not sure wheather I want to waste my years (coming up to 5 in June) firstly on a bedsit and secondly on an area that I am not sure about. I think I may leave it and wait until something bigger comes along...
  21. Yes thankyou... I have had a look on google maps street view, but am still not sure lol. I currently live in Hillsborough and dont know anything about Lowedges as regards to crime or anti socal behavour. I dont want to move to a bad area lol. Anybody else have a view?...
  22. Anybody know whats it like on there?. I have been offered a upper bedsit and would like to know what its like?. Thanks
  23. Could somebody tell me what Atlantic Crescent is like please?.... Reason I ask is because I have been offered a flat there (well bedsit lol) with the conucil and after living in Hillsborough most of my life in private housing, I would like to know if its a bad area?, or not lol?. Any info on the matter would be greatly helpful
  24. Have to agree lol . I had my car there and had it booked in for the Tuesday for its mot. I rang the day before on the off chance and they said bring it in. 2 hours later my car was ready and picked my car up within 30 minutes. They come highly recommended and I will be taking my car there every year lol .
  25. I was Ill over Christmas and have just got over it today tbh. I had a cold, sore throat etc... so it wasn't as bad as some, but still not nice when your supposed to be happy for the rest of the family is it?.
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