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Everything posted by greenrat

  1. I'm on Job Seekers Allowance at the moment after being made redundant in August. Having experienced the, ahem "training" provided for young people after 6 months on the dole I have a better idea. I believe you should have to do training, voluntary work and job search sessions from the moment you get onto the dole. Voluntary work boosts your self esteem, looks good on your CV and keeps you active. At the end of the day there's no excuse if your fit and healthy for sitting round doing <removed>. Greenrat
  2. Firstly, according to the last census Sheffield is over 91% White British (http://www.neighbourhood.statistics.gov.uk/dissemination/LeadTableView.do?a=7&b=276794&c=Sheffield&d=13&e=13&g=365736&i=1001x1003x1004&m=0&r=1&s=1256956696250&enc=1&dsFamilyId=47). Asylum seekers are not to blame for anything. The problem is the Labour governments of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and before them the Conservative governments of John Major and Margaret Thatcher letting massive global corporations move in, take over British industry and ship jobs and factories abroad. Communism in all its forms is vile ... all communists do is get rid of democratic controls and treat the everyday working people like sh*t. Being against any kind of extremism, I think the BNP are also vile but I'm not surprised that people support them or do not vote at all - all 3 major political parties are basically the same, as they are all committed to the same programme of globalisation & privatisation. I just wish people would use their heads and vote for a non racist party such as the Greens (who do speak a lot of sense on a range of issues) or UKIP in the EU elections. I do think you're spot on about the current lot i.e. New Labour have started to behave like communists in some ways, for example limiting the right to protest around parliament, wanting to introduce ID Cards and generally replacing front line services with more surveillance and spying. The case of opposition MP Damian Green being arrested simply for possessing information that proved the government had screwed up (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7753557.stm) was quite scary. The anti terror laws are so vague you could be arrested and held without charge for anything the government don't like e.g. campaigning against them. We need a party who will:- 1. Introduce legislation to prevent companies making a profit from moving production abroad, and generally making more of an effort to stick up for British jobs. 2. Renationalise the transport system - billions of taxpayers money being wasted on paying private companies could be spent on building a better transport network, boosting the economy. 3. Outlaw the use of employment agencies and rolling contracts for permanent positions. 4. Tax the rich more and the poor less. 5. Force people to do voluntary work for benefits if they are fit and healthy. 6. Bring the troops home from Afghanistan and spend the cash on something useful. 7. Put MP's on a wage of £40,000 a year (a very good wage) and scrap all expenses
  3. This would be the equivalent of telling an abused wife to go back to their abusive partner. A much better course of action would be to do some voluntary work. Just working in this kind of environment could undermine your self esteem and in turn harm your chances of getting something better. Steer clear of this horrible company
  4. Daily Mail ... Asylum seekers. It's ALL they ever seem to report on, well that and made up cures for cancer. Why not save cash Mr. Benn, and visit this website instead of buying the paper ... http://www.charlieharvey.org.uk/daily_mail.pl
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8312845.stm Looks like Royal Mail are going to use temps to cover for striking postmen. Can't believe the government is allowing this.
  6. Absolutely not, and am unsure if most muslims in this country who have had any experience of Sharia Law in other countries would want it anyway.
  7. Never mind forcing the BNP to allow non white members ... the party are as big a threat to our way of life as fundamental muslims and should be outlawed.
  8. It could be about to get worse as well ... apparently the Jobcentre will be sold off in the near future to one of the companies who had a hand in this ... http://www.nce.co.uk/news/business/six-recruitment-agencies-hit-with-40m-fine-for-price-fixing-in-the-construction-industry/5208786.article
  9. http://www.computerweekly.com/Articles/2008/11/17/233415/sheffield-council-chooses-capita-for-200m-it-services.htm How ironic given some of the posts in this thread about how people have been treated by Capita that they've been handed the contract to run the council's HR services . Bit like trusting Al Queda to guard your nuclear weapons:hihi:
  10. Put them beyond use. Spend the money on something useful.
  11. Unfortunately your idea is common sense ... so unlikely to be put into practice by the prats running the country. Better to spend millions putting them in prison, releasing them, arresting them and putting them in prison again.
  12. Nah too expensive. Pull the troops out and leave them to it.
  13. Just a few of thoughts on 9/11 and terrorism in general ... Osama Bin Laden was an arab but also a millionaire ... surely America / Britain should also lock up any suspicious looking millionaires as they do with Arabs to make things fair? 3,017 people lost their lives in 9/11 ... to date 93,042 – 101,539 people have lost their lives in Iraq thanks to the war ... how is an Arab life less important than an American life (this is the impression we get from the press)? Terrorism is defined as the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. It can also be defined as acts of unlawful violence and war. How is the terrorism used in 9/11 different to those used by the Americans in Iraq or even the ecomonic terrorism of companies shutting down industry devastating areas of the UK (I'm thinking the effects of shutting the coal mines in the 80's or the recent job losses at Corus)
  14. Good point - the arms manufacturers would lose money obviously but this is about the lives of young men - brothers, sons, husbands, fathers. And they are fighting a war that serves no purpose ... what got me was the latest lad on the casualty list was 19 and from Woodseats ...
  15. Like the idea! I doubt whether drugs would be free but legalising them would cut out the criminal element and eliminate the drug dealer from society. And addicts should not be jailed but put into treatment.
  16. Not to me evidently lol. Rather ironic given my avatar ...
  17. Karzai is as bad as the Taliban - they look to be rigging the latest elections, half the government are made up of warlords, Karzai has introduced legislation virtually allowing husbands to rape their wives http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/8000209.stm), plus the cost of the war will far outweigh any profit made from infrastructure. We need to bring the troops home. Now.
  18. Al Qaida don'e even have the ingredients for an atomic bomb never mind the technology to launch one. The Americans and Russians have thousands each - I'd be more worried about them. And another thing - how is this terrorism different to this terrorism - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7850596.stm
  19. Certainly more than the 3000 or so that died in 9/11
  20. Now the BBC is giving time on it's programmes to extremist nutters perhaps these people will be next on Question Time ... http://www.communist-party.org.uk/
  21. The Stop The War coalition have started a petition on the 10 Downing St website to bring the troops back from Afghanistan, given the deteriorating situation in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. The petition can be viewed / signed here : - http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/STWCAfghanistan/ A few reasons for signing it can be found here: - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7799610.stm
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