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Everything posted by Saifa

  1. I'm on Doomhammer mesen, couple of other Sheffield lads on there too Lvl 60 Night Elf Druid.
  2. I always liked my dads classic "shes got a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp".
  3. They did merge with infogrammes, afaik. One of the guys I train with used to work for em back in the day I'll see if he knows next time I'm down the dojo.
  4. I agree Brook Hill (uni) roundabout is a nightmare. And the pelicans seem to make it about 100 tims worse. Park Square is fine (if the lights work).
  5. New Goldie Lookin Chain album. Funny as! Pure quality, especially the one about faking injuries and going to claims direct for compensation
  6. Out of curiosity roughly how much would one of said flats set u back?
  7. Now playing.... Pitman "It takes a nation of t****rs" Trojan records UK Hits compilation Orbs adventures beyond the ultraworld Yay!!
  8. I'm amazed none of the pro-estbalishment / right wingers who inhabit this forum have been posting saying about how morally wrong pirates are. Look what happened to the graff thread.... Not that I'm complaining like
  9. From what i gather they destroy your transmitter, and if are feeling particularly evil confiscate your sound system. I know someone who used to run one from the now blown up tower blocks in Norfolk Park. They got raided once or twice and all that happened is they threw the transmitter out the window!! So off air till you went down Radio Shack and got a new one. Apprently it isnt hard to track the source of radio signal (by triangulation) but the coppers dont bother unless a) someone complains or b) you're interfering with the emergency services wavelengths, as they usually have better things to do. I remember Fantasy FM an all. Nice bit of DnB as i recall. Now that I'm getting all nostalgic.... Foulmouth FM, Dance FM, Fantasy FM, SCR..anyone remember any more???
  10. Is this game too addictive? In the few weeks Ive had it ive Worked out less Gone out less Stayed up later (and therefore been having less sleep) I'm starting to feel like a smackhead!! Though some sort of digital one mind. Well done Blizz for designing the seemingly unputdownable computer game tho. Must have taken a while
  11. I've just upgraded from 512k ram (lag city) to 1 meg and it runs fine now even in the big cities where loads of players are milling about. Thats my "lag" advice
  12. I always thought she was the best looking one myself Saifa "The ginger lover"
  13. Know what ya mean pal Ive got a 70 mile a day round trip to work, down parkway, M1 etc. Aint looking forward to paying the earth jsut to get to work.
  14. I just moved so aint gonna have bband for about a week. I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms! Never knew I was this much of a geek...... (Mental note: Go outside - Hillsboro park is just across the road)
  15. Bear with it pal, it took me about 2 hours to get all the "updates" before it'd play. But it is well worth it believe me - i'm starting to get seriously addicted.
  16. Aye thats true Though I suspect a lot of folk in forum here know all about that ....
  17. It were really strange meeting up "in game" with people I know in real life last night. Not used to this whole on-line gaming thing yet. Weird but fun. Wish we could have call ctr type headsets tho.
  18. I finally caved in and bought it last weekend... Yeah I'm impressed. I aint had that much chance to play it but Ive got up to a 9th level Druid up till now. I'm also on Doomhammer - must be the sheffield server cos all the folk I know who have it are on there as well. Its kind of like a geeky guilty pleasure innit
  19. Two of the lads in our dojo are completely addicted to it and have spent the last month going on about how good it is. So much in fact I'm considering getting it - though I am a bit worried by their warning of kiss your social life goodbye. Is it that addictive like?
  20. While we're on pirate radio... anyone know what became of sheffield community radio (SCR) that used to broadcast in the 1990s? That was a top station. Where have all the decent pirates gone?
  21. Whats on the playlist right now? New beastie boys album The Infamous Mobb Deep (1st album from 95) Soundtrack to "taxi" (that Luc Besson movie) Me mates electro / breaks mixtape he did us. Random UK hip hop Bit of old jungle (back when it was jungle not drum n bass like it is nowadays) god I love music
  22. How come no-ones mentioned wheat crunchies yet? Any flavour is a winner there
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