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Donside 6

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Everything posted by Donside 6

  1. Me and my two sons were walking past the players entrance as Herol Bomber Graham was coming out, he messed about sparing with my lads, then he took us inside for a tour, we met Howard Wilkinson who gave us a book called Wednesday, which all the team signed for us. If it's of use to anyone PM me your address and as long as it's in the UK I'll post it to you...........Really looking forward to the new season.
  2. The Spinners were a brilliant group and so underrated, they made some great records including Truly Yours which was one of the best records released on Motown. RIP Henry
  3. Hi Lorraine, hope you are well and doing ok..........Stu.
  4. Hi Lorraine, so sorry for your loss, I hope you get through it ok. I'm sure you have plenty of support, but if you would like more, you could, if you like, PM and tell me what you have been up to for the last 50 odd years. I'm never too far away from my lap top. I remember Philip Allen, by name only, there was also a Mick Allen, he lived at the newsagents on Herdings shops. Well, our respective football teams aren't doing very well, it's not looking good is it, ah well. Look after yourself, bye for now Stu
  5. There is only three of us talking and we haven't spoke for a while. Hi Lorraine are you well. Don't you remember Lawrence Henry, tall skinny lad, used to put half a bottle of brylcreem on his hair, great lad, good laugh, he lived on Plowright Drive.
  6. Hello Mad Dad, if you haven't already, go back to page 68, a lot more names are mentioned that you might know. If you started at GVSM in 62 you must be a year older than most of the names talked about. The only names I can remember that were a year older than me were, Pat Davitt, John Oates, Paul Handcock and Michael Jubb, can't you remember, Rita Walsham and Susan Morrell?
  7. Northern at the proms was excellent, they were all brilliant, but Vula Malinga's version of Glady's Knight's No One Could Love More. Was outstanding.
  8. Always nice to hear that the prettiest girl in school had a crush on you, the feeling was mutual. There was a Melvin Taylor, lived near me on Gaunt Rd......Stu
  9. I guessed that one of the lads on the Granville photo was you, I thought you were maybe Keith Kidd, obviously not, so you still have me at a disadvantage. I'm surprised you knew it was some kind of pump, I'd forgot until Ronnie told me some 6yrs ago. I've never missed Sheffield really, I wanted to be in the fashion business and Manchester was the place, this is my 53rd year and although it hasn't made me rich, I've done ok and I've enjoyed most of those years. Although I said I don't miss Sheffield, if there was ever another Battle of the Roses, I would have to fight for Yorkshire..........Stu
  10. Don't know, she lived on the Herdings in 66 when we went out, I can't remember why we stopped seeing each other. I started going out with Carol Grubb for a couple of years after that. Are you on the school photo at Granville college, did you play for the school football team.
  11. Rival? No she only had eyes for me ha ha. How far have you gone back on this post, if you haven't already, go back to page 68, my user name was Windswept then.
  12. Four Black Jacks or Fruit Salad for 1 old penny. Or for 4d more 5 Park Drive
  13. I'm glad you're still alive, well at least that's three of us. I knew Peter Reaney had died, Ronnie Severs had told me. Phil Dawtry and me were friends from Hemsworth infants until I moved from Sheffield in 1970, so it was sad to hear he'd died, it's a long time ago now, he wasn't that old. I'm sure Mick Archibould and Paul Fisher lived on Bankwood. Did you know Dave Rogers and Lawrence Henry, they lived down that part of the estate.
  14. Swapped my bottle of Brut in 1970 to a girl I was seeing, for a copy of I'll Take You Where The Music's Playing, by the Drifters. Old Spice aftershave was good for getting rid of cold sores.
  15. Thankyou, bit before my time though. WAWAW
  16. Wonder what record they're really dancing to. Also worth watching, Contours- Little Misunderstanding and M Gaye and T Terrell - Two Can Have A Party
  17. That guy in the film gets around, he was in the All Wednesday video. Is he a local celebrity.
  18. Pete Stringfellow had her and Ike on at the Mojo in 1966. Would have liked to see them, a little bit early for me.
  19. RIP Tina, yours and Ike's cover of Dust My Broom, were on every Northern Soul Djs play list back in the day.
  20. Hi Lorraine, I hope it happens soon, before you're the only one that's left from our year.....Speak soon Stu.
  21. Well aren't you the lucky one. I don't get hangovers, but just for once, I'd like to get one after celebrating something Wednesday had achieved. Did you go last night? I've only been a few times this season, I was going to go the last game, but after the mess they've made, I really can't be arsed. There's a monthly Northern Soul alldayer I like to attend, that Sunday, I'd sooner go there. Hate to say this but, well done United you deserve it. Stu.
  22. Hi Lorraine I'd be pleased but surprised if anyone was reading this post. My niece asked if anyone knew me about 10yrs ago, with no response, and I knew loads of people on that estate. A few years later I was looking to see if anyone had replied when I came across your name and started talking to Ronnie Severs, we mentioned loads of people we both knew, still nobody. Ronnie private messaged me and we spoke for a good while off the forum. Maybe everyone in our year is dead and we are the only two left alive. My sister is on some GVSS face book site and someone sent her a pic of our year Rugby team and apart from Pash and Sam Ridley I can't put names to faces. I've given her a pic of our year football team, with me on it, Not sure if she has done anything with it yet. I must have a thing about Owls I've kept Eagle Owls for most of my adult life. Well you could be promoted tonight and we are in the sodding playoffs
  23. I remember Ann Cooling, dark curly hair, you and her were close, one of you were nicknamed Floss, have a feeling it was you. I left Sheffield at the end of 70 and came to Manchester, I wanted to manufacture men's shirts and took a temporarily job making babywear and millinery, which I'm still doing, the last 40yrs for myself. The only times I come over to Sheffield is to visit graves or to watch Wednesday, and that's not that often these days. As a kid growing up you couldn't have wished for a better playground than Gleadless Valley. Stuart
  24. Hi Lorraine Kenny and me were selected to have a trial for Sheffield boys during the 6 weeks holidays, Kenny couldn't be bothered to go, which was a shame because he was a decent footballer, I went on to play several games until I got fed up training 3 nights a week after school and packed it in, fool me missed out on a free 2 week tournament in Bonn. I remember the inter school sports thing in Hillsborough park, Sam Ridley and myself were there to make up the numbers ,Mr Green our sports teacher put us in the shot put event, we probably came last. My sisters husband and daughter have a hairdresses at town end, a girl called Lynne goes there and say's she is married to my old friend Nebi and used to hang around with me and him, I can't recall of anyone of that name can you. I drove through the estate a few weeks back, it looks tired and shabby, not the way I want to remember it.
  25. Hi Lorraine, I remember Miss Maitland, she was from Belgium and taught us French. Was Mr Cooper the deputy head that replaced Mr Roach, his nickname was spot, a reference to his balding head. Did your extra schooling help you in your career and has the last 57 yrs or so been kind to you. The person I was speaking to who mentioned your name turned out to be Ronnie Severs, we spoke for a while, but it's been a few years ago now and I haven't seen him on here so who knows, he had said a couple of names of people who we knew had passed, but without looking back I don't remember who. A close friend of mine at the time was Phil Dawtry, my mother told me he had died and now she has I don't get any news. It's good to know you still have a good state of mind and I have too...........Stuart.
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