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Everything posted by shirty30

  1. I went to rumours once to have my hair coloured. It cost me around £35 quid and looked exactly the same as it did before I went in. I've now been going to to headwork since last November and I wouldn't go anywhere else. Anna usually colours my hair and the cut is excellent the only problem is shes on maternity leave now but Sam did a nice colour and cut last time I went.
  2. Being drunk.. falling in a drunken heap in one of the toilet cubicles, sitting there for about an hour before being helped home by my friends
  3. walk away.... if they have done it once they'll be more than likely do it again if the chance came up! How could you ever trust them again, how could the relationship ever be the same if there is no trust.
  4. Sorry lovey, I've had a search net on which i'm sure you have too, and can't find any documentary dvds with that title.
  5. I was at work and didn't hear about it until I was on my way home and switched on the radio. They we're discussing what had happened and they mentioned about the 1st plane hitting and then the 2nd and when the said about the 3rd, I was thinking ' OMG what the hell has happened' It wasn't until I got home and watched the news that I realised what had actually happened.
  6. we used to have our form tutor (Mrs Crookes) on that they were seeing each other. Can anyone remember Mr Jones (known as the school perv) bless him though he passed away after suffering with a brain tumour.
  7. i left in 91, but my brother who is 5 years younger, would have left in 96
  8. I understand everybody has their own beliefs and opinions and I'm not saying people can't can't have their say.. But judging by some of the responses I got, It made me feel like I was asking something I should be a shamed of, I felt I needed to explain myself as to why I wanted the number etc.... But what annoyed my about the last thread I posted was a certain member (i'd not like to name) 1st of all called me a doofus and also a fool for 'wasting money going to see clairvoyants because they are all fakes,' I found that really offensive that they felt they had to use insults to get their point across and it wasn't called for. The funny thing was I never said I was actually going to see a clairvoyant or had I ever been to see one, I was simply asking if anybody had a telephone number, before I discussed it more with my friend to decide what was the better option for her. But looking on the bright side, me posting that thread gave everyone something to do for a while....
  9. I agree with everything you have said. My friend is greiving the loss of her mum (this xmas) and she said herself she didn't know whether to believe or not in life after death. It if does then she wants to know her mum is ok, like you say even if they are fakes and they tell her what she wants to hear, it can only help.... after all who can prove whether life after death exists or doesn't.
  10. Yeah well in my other thread I only asked if anyone had a phone number for a certain clairvoyant and all I got was a lot of abuse and was belittled by a lot of people, so I thought seeing that everyone is so opinionised on the subject let them get it off their chests in here.
  11. This is for all those people who seem to have lots of opinions that are wanting to force down our throats so.... go on have your say, get it off your chest!
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