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  1. I would imagine our fare evasion is lower than say Manchester where its been so bad they have a large presence of inspectors jumping on and off trams every day to catch people. This is mainly due to not having the ability to purchase on the tram itself as I found to my cost just the other week!
  2. Burt's got plans with all the other Burts sorry... We have been to Golffang and then a meal past 2 Christmases. Golffang is great fun
  3. It's also full of anti-oxymorons or summat. sounds like witchcraft to me
  4. Turn the Isle of Wight into a self contained Prison colony? Large wall around it and the Prison Warden could be Lee Van Cleef? If anything goes wrong - send Snake Plisskin in...
  5. It should be reviewed for appropriateness I believe instead of just ploughing on with what was done before. But that's the same with a lot of subjects. Its interesting that the % split in this country is as such though.
  6. I always took it as those are the languages you are more likely to need to be able to speak when travelling as we are more likely to travel to France and Spanish speaking countries. German was always an outlier I thought but it's a second language for a lot of the mid European countries such as I assume Poland. Really we should all be learning Cantonese, mandarin or Urdu if we go off population of the world?
  7. But if you're in the area, there's a good little bar under the flats - The Industry Tap. Didn't Niche (The night) move to the club under the NCP behind Debenhams for a bit and then onto the Arches?
  8. Got barred from the Stonehouse when the manager recognised my mate who they had thrown out a few weeks previously when his face ran into another man's fist. Granted he was trying it on with the said fist's attached man's girlfriend at the time.
  9. I think the latter. The last protest I recall seeing outside City Centre branch was an outdoor rave and some people dressed up as cleaners pretending to clean the atrium area of Barclay's "dirty secrets". At least that was amusing
  10. Then I stand corrected, jeez. I understand how it all works, like I said we get subsidised parking in the same car park through work. It still feels expensive to me to pay £20 in that car park if the circumstances were that I had to. That's an opinion not a fact - no comparison needed.
  11. As I said I get subsidised parking, I was just using the basic tariff as an example. I also said I don't drive into the office every day and make use of public transport at least 1 of those days I do go in. Not sure why the hoo har really. I am sure there are cheaper ways for people who DO NOT get subsidised parking and need to stay all day but a lot of the privately-run multi stories are pretty expensive. When I worked at the city end of the Wicker I used to park at the (what was) the Hilton which is very reasonable. that doesn't work for me now.
  12. Not sure I proposed anything? I just made a comment on the price of an all day parking ticket in a city centre car park! I also did not at any point suggest you or I have to subsidise anything so I think you need to reread my posts before making unfounded accusations.
  13. Point is upwards of £22 is a lot of money for a day's parking. What I have noticed is a lot of on street parking from Eyre Street up towards the Town Hall is taken up with Electric cars - am I right in thinking you are exempt from parking charges? Do you need a pass or something? (BTW don't have an electric car just interested)
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