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Everything posted by Dubaidani13

  1. whichever it it is its mind blowing and our brains cannot fathom it because there had to be something before a big bang, everything starts somewhere??:huh:
  2. really?? is she some sort of katie price:hihi:
  3. agreed! but hey ho on to the next, emperors new clothes and all that:loopy:
  4. oh for goodness sake what a load of drivel!!!! soon there will be no subject or form of authority that will not come under the lefties scrutiny and hollaring, move on man these things happend get over it:roll: its not a conspiricy:hihi:
  5. nobody is accusing the fans of deliberately causing a crush what is being said is common sense that the lateness, ticket-less and drunkenness caused it in some part or exacerbated it in addition to the failings by SYP and SWFC which was covered up, so please dont condescend with crowd modelling!!!those who state this
  6. the evidence is clear to see, the few released pictures show the story, so are you saying that the late fans queued in an orderly manner, side by side, before you! no before you! no i insist???? really? by the way i of course accept SYP carry a good part of the blame and so do SWFC but so do those late fans, who were more than likely the same type of fan that were at other football crush crowd disasters!!
  7. its no lie, speak to residents of leppings lane, speak to the owner of the beer off on the corner if its still there?? it was emptied by liverpool fans prior to kick off, watch the cctv and the pics ! the evidence even says there were fans causing a push from the back thats why the gates were opened, open your eyes
  8. very true!!! its as plain as the nose on your face that there were many elements to this tragic happening where 96 innocents died!! they were the ones that got to the game on time, with tickets and not drunk!! circumstances sealed their fate when a selection of bad decisions by SYP and Sheffield Wednesday ground were made or not made......BUT for the inquest to say drunk ticketless fans pushing and almost rioting to get in were not in some way small or largely to blame is ludicrous , they also must take some of the blame??? i hope their conscience is pricking them every day:o
  9. any fool can see why they delivered the verdict they did! i dont need to prove my opinion! which is not only mine but many many others, some who saw what happend first hand on and around leppings lane.
  10. predictable inquest result, no blame at all on the drunk fans that started the whole thing!! the whole system afraid of hurting the ffeelings of the "victim lead city" the innocents that died are the real victims
  11. i agree to some extent but this is not the way to do it, we wouldnt need so many staff if the population hadnt got so overcrowded and was treating every tom dick and harry from all over the world for free??
  12. i dont doubt there will be some cover, but only for life threatening cases on the whole and then the poor nurses will get the brunt of it firefighting, the consultants will also have more than enough to do, so yes the service will suffer and that is disgusting.
  13. Ha Ha factory worker !!! no pal i run my own business and yes sometimes i have to work 7 days, how about you? JSA? why tired doctors? they will be on a rota system. the public are not 98% in favour? its not forced its evolved it has to change. your opinion!
  14. No No No what they are doing is trying to do is put a gun to the Governments head and use scare tactics so that the public will support them! the NHS must evolve and part of that is 7 day working, illness and disease doesn't keep to weekdays. the NHS is so overstretched anyway with increasing immigrant population who use it as a doctors surgery its no wonder things have to change.
  15. So now the Junior Doctors are upping the stakes for the public, by striking on emergency cover also now? disgusting! you are going against everything your profession is there for! 7 days operation of All depts is how it should be and that means All depts. most people work 7 days on a rota basis so why not you?
  16. excuse me whilst i cry into my G&T!! the chips around shoulders are getting bigger every year:hihi: so what!!!1 its the luck of your birth, you and me were not lucky enough to be born into the hoi paloi but so what ! bitterness breeds bitterness. its the way of the world:roll::roll:
  17. well now that depends! as long as its freshly minced and cooked its not a problem. now if you listen to the EHO they really dont like it because its an unknown and variable cooking method! the nanny state again. btw yes i know why, its because a rare steak is sealed mince is not.
  18. i am sure Boris would be welcomed in most areas? another politician that sensible people have a lot of time for!? ---------- Post added 18-04-2016 at 15:17 ---------- i think in the years to come general ownership of handguns may be very popular! and seeing as its very difficult to legislate against lunatics it probably was a slight overreaction ?
  19. thats not very nice! why are you not fans as a family? at least the guy is a bit more honest than the rest:roll: would be a warm welcome to walk up our way at Beauchief
  20. you can also PCP a used car up to 3-4 years old i think which makes top end cars more affordable, so warranty and breakdown cover does come into it.
  21. solicitor will/should insist on an indemnity ins policy from the vendors, as for build quality only a surveyor or builder can tell you that.
  22. the dealer has suggested it themselves a couple of times but i didnt take the option, which suggests they dont really care as long as they sell another car and this was BMW, s own finance co
  23. at 2 years its usually got a bit of equity for a new deposit or its level so just give it back and sign a new 4 year deal with a new car, dealers get a kick back from manufacturers for registered new car targets. in any case uk finance law says once you have paid 50% of the agreement you can terminate without penalty called VT voluntary termination, it doesnt go against your credit record but will be rerecorded as a VT, so last resort really.
  24. whilst your at it having a go at the rich for not paying as much tax as you would like, you might as well have a go at the self employed also????? as i know for a fact every self employed person minimises their tax to the maximum and some if they are clever enough pay no tax at all whilst having a very good living, not even including cash jobs ....so how does that sit?? the working class self employed avoiding legally??
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