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Everything posted by donkey

  1. What many Unionists incorrectly call Ulster - three of the counties of Ulster remain in the Irish Republic - is a political creation whose border was deliberately drawn in such a way as to ensure a Unionist majority (gerrymandering). In light of this fact, it is hardly suprising that the referendum to which you refer produced those results. Had it been conducted throughout the whole of Ireland, or even the whole of Ulster, there would have been a different outcome. However, I think the people in the Republic of Ireland have had a lucky escape in not getting what they wished for. Otherwise it would be they who were paying the price of the colonising of a catholic region by fundamentalist protestant puritans who specifically defined themselves through their hatred of catholicism. Personally, I think it is right that the UK stays in control and continues to bear the financial and political reponsibility for defusing the powder keg which its successive governments very deliberately created and maintained. Unfortunately, no matter whether Northern Ireland is under the political control of Ireland, the UK or self government, the residents there will continue to have to live with the inevitable historical consequences of a sectarian colonisation designed to permanently subjugate the people who were there already. Because it didn't really work out that way. If the loyalist extremists would only realise that their best shot at subjugating the fenians has failed - and they are unlikely to achieve it now by donning pantomime costumes, banging drums and setting fire to their own neighbourhoods - a major obstacle to progress will have been removed. As for the recent rioting, far from being ominous, I take it as a hopeful sign that elected unionist representatives are increasingly willing to renounce their unofficial loyalist street veto by sending in security forces to face down the orange bully boys.
  2. Failing to fly a flag which almost half of the population don't feel represents them on the City Hall every day, hardly puts them one step away from becoming a catholic country 'like' (Southern) Ireland - with its secular constitution and five percent Protestant minority who have never been subject to organised dicscrimination in jobs, housing and education, nor cheated out of political representation, like catholics in the north were until they forced the end of rule by sectarian gerrymandering. But TBH, I think any reasonable person would prefer to live in a 'catholic' country 'like Ireland' than in the type of authoritarian apartheid administration which is hankered for so nostalgically by the rancid bigots who are showing their loyalty to the union flag by attacking its security forces, in the apparent belief that the one and only legitimate role of the UK funded security forces in Northern Ireland is to help a small minority of insular bigots impose their half-witted 17th century sectarian ideology on those uppity catholics, like in the good old days.
  3. Cameron and Osbourne are right in principal in squeezing wages. Where they are going wrong is squeezing those at the bottom instead of the top. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20216031 Because it's sociopaths like them who have (and are continuing) to bleed the economy dry in the interests of their own insatiable greed and meglomania. Two years into their term and they haven't done a thing to reverse the obscene spectacle of bloated fat cats at the helms of - often failing - companies awarding themselves ever greater bonuses and perks, whilst the number of families relying on food aid merely to be able eat is increasing weekly. Hip hip hooray for market forces!
  4. So much modern life involves filling in questionairres and forms. If you are like me, you'll run a mile to avoid doing any more than absolutely neccessary. I suppose some people just don't mind that kind of thing and others find it stress and hassle.
  5. The Labour Party should have changed their name to 'Tories Lite' at least ten years ago, although where that would leave the Lib Dems, I don't know. 'Tories Mild' perhaps?
  6. So you don't believe being a tory has anything to do with your opinions? Perhaps you have assistants who normally do your thinking for you? Ater all, why have a dog and bark yourself!
  7. Wow, deep! Allow me some time to digest your subtle and complex political philosophy. BTW I wouldn't tease people over their spelling if I didn't understand the correct use of capital letters.
  8. Mitchell has been sacked because he lost the support of his own colleagues. The mere mention of his name was enough to raise jeers at his own party conference. Yet there are still people on here who cannot see what is wrong with a public servant paid with taxpayers money, using language which clearly indicates he believes himself inherently superior to those not born into the kind of priviledge which he was. Presumably the innability to see the issue here indicates a similar sense of entitlement accompanied by self satisfied smugness at having achieved status through accident of birth on their behalf. Hopefully one day these types will either evolve or go extinct. I don't particularly care which, as long as they please just 'F' off, and take their feudal era attitudes with them when they go.
  9. 'According to Virgin' who have just been re-instated as contenders for the multi £billion government - you know, that organisation whose fiscal arm is run by George Osbourne - awarded contract to run the West Coast Rail. What possible motive could they have for supporting the Osbourne's spin doctors version of events?
  10. That explains it. Because you do seem to have been coming across as someone who isn't too sure where they are.
  11. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2012/oct/19/george-osborne-inspector-train-ticket Seems to be some discrepancy in the versions of events here. Of course We should believe the official version. After all, would people who hire armies of spin doctors to handle the press lie to us?
  12. He just doesn't grasp how the paying for the things you use system works. After all, he only has a GCSE in economics and his nanny did most things for him before he was put in charge of the seventh largest economy in the world. George's daddy says the economy is in a mess because most working people are lazy and get paid too much, and that's good enough for him! It's perfectly straightforeward.
  13. Why not? What if they were to force them to drop the requirement of pledging allegiance? It would be a victory for them (and social diversity). Why should people just accept being told what to think and believe in (or pretend to believe in) by the establishment, without doing what they can to change it, if that is what they want to do?
  14. Correct. Your answer is in the tenses. If you admit you are thick enough to need it spelling out for you, I will happily oblige .
  15. Their coffee is clearly bog standard - not rubbish but not very good either. Yet you believe it is 'excellent'. I'm now all the more convinced that it is only their marketing which could be described as 'excellent'.
  16. Same reason the Daily mail and the Sun are the biggest selling newspapers, Tennants and Fosters are popular beers, and programmes like the X factor and Big Brother have been known to top the ratings. Some people have no taste while others have it in their ass. Plus, many people are suckers for an eyecathing logo accompanied with brash marketing. That's why companies like Starbucks spend millions on marketing (the art of deluding the public that the ideas you have planted in their head are their own). It works. Look at the shiny shiny.
  17. I suppose if you think Bon Jovi is really good music, you might think someone like Farage is a 'political rock god'. It's a matter of taste (or extreme lack of it)
  18. I could keep reading it all night but I can't see what good it will do. You are the one who can't understand it.
  19. You don't understand it. That isn't the same as it not making sense.
  20. Because everyone who isn't in the EDL is in favour of introducing Sharia law, right? DOH! Actually, that would be a better name for them: Defend Our Homeland - DOH.
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