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Everything posted by donkey

  1. Ditto every slippery politician who is too close to the money men. About 90% of the ones who matter. And it's no coincidence that they are the ones who matter. Attempts to apportion blame for the global economic slump to some mainstream political parties but not others shows the kind of blind adhenence to partisan party politics which is helping to ensure that nothing is really done to protect us from all being dropped in the doo doo again the next time financial masters of ther universe find it expedient to trash the global economy.
  2. Yesss, they caused a global recession. They caused the sub prime mortgage crash in the USA. Do you think they were also responsible for the great plague and the asteroid which killed off thye dinosaurs?
  3. Alcohol is a drug. You call alcohol by it's name but lump every other known mind altering substance together under the term 'drugs' as if they are all the same. Are you sure you can't remember what this report is, as opposed to it being a load of balls you just made up?
  4. I've heard sensory deprivation can really open your mind. Water-boarding really gets a bad press, you know, all the negative stuff! They obviously haven't got the right marketing team on this one.
  5. Isn't Miliband proposing capping union donations to £5,000 or did I dream that?
  6. You've done it now! There'll a dawn raid on your house, then off on a special flight for interrogation in Jordan followed by a lengthy extra judicial visit to Guatanamo Bay!
  7. Even the most monged out valium addict couldn't contend against you and riche for the Beavis and Buthead Sledgehammer Subtle Humour Award. (And I use that second last word in the broadest possible sense).
  8. Keep up! Milliband has been trying to distance himself from the unions because he knows they are an electoral liabilty. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/ed-miliband/8759440/Labour-leader-Ed-Miliband-booed-by-unions-over-strike-mistake-comment.html
  9. The LibDems did a good job of deceiving voters (and their own rank and file) that they were the only party not fronted by an assortment of megalomaniacs, sociopaths and compulsive liars. They won't be able to pull that one off again in the near future.
  10. Why did nobody else spot the relevance of the racism/drug driving analogy? I feel this warrants being discussed further. What do you imagine halibut's thinking would be in the hypothetical racist trial if a very vocal parrot belonging to a man with tourettes syndrome got loose in the courtroom and unleashed a stream of obscenities?
  11. I think what Wex means is that 64% of voters didn't want a conservative government. But apparently this gives the conservatives a 'mandate.'
  12. So it's happened before....and your point is? BTW, I was around in the 70s. I was around in the 60s.
  13. The LibDems knew what the Tory's intentions were. They declared themselves diametrically opposed to them on a fundamental level. They then deliberately made themselves the instrument by which those policies they had declared themselves against could be implemented. Say what you like. Two rounds of council elections have clearly shown that people just aren't going to buy the spin and doublespeak around this issue.
  14. That is exactly the point I am making. Their status means they are living in a bubble protected from the socio/economic realities which larger, less strategically place countries have to endure. To draw the inference that we should be able to have surpluss in our economy because Lichtenstein does is ridiculous.
  15. If I was entrusted with my neighbour's car on the understanding I would return it clean, full of fuel and undamaged, but returned it with a dent and empty, but hey, it's really clean....you get my drift
  16. Yes yes yes...and you seriously believe the excellent economic data (on paper) coming from Lichtenstein has no relationship at all to the fact that the principalitiy's complicity in tax evasion results in it having more than one foreign company registered for each one of its 35,000 citizens? Pull the other one, as they say, it has bells on!
  17. Not strictly true. Tories didn't get many more votes than Labour, and the LibDems campaigned on policies which were virtuaslly the exact opposite of what they campaigned on. A minorty party enfocing it's will on the majority through the complicity of a smaller party which gained its position in government by deceiving the electorate is hardly a 'mandate.'
  18. Or that is what you have decided to believe because the truth doesn't square with your dogma. I know what exports are. I'm not the one displaying wilful economic illiteracy.
  19. No, there are thousands of foreign companies registering their manufacturing output in Lichtenstein to avoid paying tax. With more companies registered in Lichtenstein than there are people, this is pretty bleedin' obvious.
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