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Everything posted by Assassin007

  1. Hi Mate, Please can you provide a few more details to help troubleshoot this issue. What version of Windows are you running on the machine? Whats the make of the computer and how did you restore to factory settings? Also can you list what you have tried so far and the results. Thanks, A
  2. Hi All, Just wondering if anyone on here has been affected by this? http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/business/jobs/1_000_jobs_under_threat_in_sheffield_1_4075385. Regards, A
  3. Yes, this is something you definitely need to consider. Not all your drivers and applications will be compatible with the 64bit OS. Regards, A
  4. Hi, Have a look at the link below, which should answer your question. If you have any further questions, just update this thread. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/32-bit-and-64-bit-Windows-frequently-asked-questions Thanks, A
  5. Hi, Thanks for your response. I'm posting this via my iPad therefore I can't currently give you the output for ipconfig /all However, as mentioned in my original post, the Physical address of my Ethernet card was all zeros, but wireless has the correct physical address. I have applied a workaround by manually entering the MAC Address until I find out the root cause. I'm a techie myself, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and whether they were able to find the root cause. Regards A
  6. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? Regards, A
  7. Hi, Seems like your not the only one having this problem - see link below. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111219001443AAZsuQ3 However, you should go through the tutorial again to make sure you haven't missed anything. Regards, A
  8. Hi All, Some of you may already know this but just for anyone who doesn't, EA are giving offers / free games daily in december for Apple IOS and Android devices. Currently "FIFA superstars" and "The Sims Free play" are available for free. Just the below link around 9am every morning to see the latest offerings. http://kilrush.mobi/mcs/publish/3250/46415#bmb=1 Regards, A
  9. Also did you run the check disk as shown in link below? Regards, A
  10. Open command prompt as administrator Type Format "drive letter here:" /f An example would be for h drive... format H: /f Also can you confirm your logged in as admin? Let me know how you get on. Regards, A
  11. What version of MS Windows is running on the machine and who's machine is it? If it's yours then how come you don't have the admin login details? Regards, A
  12. Hi Mate, Can you check the following and feedback the results: Can you confirm that the protection for the USB is not on? Have you ran a check disk? Try this link if you havent http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/windows-vista/Check-your-hard-disk-for-errors Have you tried to format it in command prompt using the force command? Might be that a file is in use.... Maybe some malware on it that you don't know about? Regards, A
  13. Try Montrose in Rotherham Montrose Carpets & Furnishings Furniture Shops 42-44 Westgate, Town Centre, Rotherham, S60 1AS +44 (0) 1709 511011 Regards, A
  14. Think you owe a thank you to big_b. Regards, A
  15. I don't think there is a specific website, i'm afraid. Have you tried using the RAC website? You can find snake pass on the map to see if there are any indication of traffic. http://www.rac.co.uk/mobile/traffic-information/ Regards, A
  16. Can you clearly state what the issue is as this thread is currently confusing. Please can you advise on the below: 1 Detail what the issue is 2 How many machine it affects 3 If it affects more than one machine, and if they are built using an image? If so could the image be the issue? 4 When did the issue start? 5 What have you done so far to try and address the issue? Regards, A
  17. Must be a localised issue... Hopefully the above steps will sort it for him. Regards, A
  18. Hi, Your previous thread for a similar question still open? http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=679685 Regards, A
  19. Hi, Have you tried the basic diagnostic steps below: 1. Have you cleared your history, cache and also the cookies? I know they have updated their site recently so your may have some redundant cache / cookies which maybe causing this issue. 2. Can you confirm you have the latest version of Firefox ? Should be 8.0.1. 3. Have you rebooted your machine? Try the above and feedback the results Regards, A
  20. In the instance you described above, it may have been necessary to install some prerequisite update/s prior the main update/s being rolled out to your machine. I would strongly advise everyone to keep your machines updated via windows update with the latest security / critical patches to ensure your machine is as secure as it can against the online threats. Otherwise you may find One day that someone has access to your accounts (email / banks etc)... Regards, A
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