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Everything posted by Assassin007

  1. http://www.trafficengland.com This has upto date traffic and motorway cameras. Also a great interface. Regards, A
  2. Are you ok with the U.S and U.K going to war based on false accusations and evidence as they did in Iraq. How many weapon of "mass destruction" did they find? Just a waste of tax payers money. Just think how many homeless people that could be helped with money spent on wars... We need to save all we can to grow our economy and defeat the recession by working together. Regards, A
  3. Hi Mate, I have been using the same driver and firmware for a year. There was no update available for the Ethernet controller but I did update the BIOS to the latest firmware in an attempt to fix this issue, but it was to no avail. Thanks, A
  4. Hi Mate, It's a laptop therefore was unable to do that, but the wireless worked fine. I'm still unsure whether this is a hardware or software issue as MAC addresses can be spoofed etc. Thanks, A
  5. I agree... What they going to say next that the CIA's in IRAN involved in the covert war went AWOL.... Silly really how some people believe what they see on tele.
  6. Hi All, For some reason the MAC address for my NIC changed to zeros and I have restored the HP to a known working state and the issue still exists. Wireless works fine and without issue. The physical address is hard coded in the NIC so it's a weird one but I have seen many people reporting this on various forums and the only workaround has been to set a manual pysical address but no one found the root cause. Note, I tried the usual stuff such as reinstall drivers, doing the required reboots at right times and also ensuring any antivirus was uninstalled, bonjour service which can interfere was also uninstalled and got latest drivers and firmware updates etc. I have checked event logs without much luck. The NIC in question is an Nvidia NForce network controller. I have used macshift to set a random MAC address as a workaround, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and whether they were able to find the root cause? Thanks, A
  7. What makes you believe this as U.S are asking Iran to have it back, who knows what they have been spying on and in what country...
  8. You mean like Iraq? Where nothing was found?
  9. U.S in the role of "beggar" .... http://www.thestar.com/news/world/article/1100993--iran-refuses-to-return-u-s-spy-drone?bn=1
  10. Hi All, Does anyone know more about this? http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/local/barnsley/breaking_man_threatens_to_jump_from_city_tower_block_1_4055168 Regards, A
  11. You said the issue was fixed yesterday? Hope your not mis-leading fellow forum users over the festive break! http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=8362352#post8362352 Regards, A
  12. Have you tried the below ? http://www.houseofplants.co.uk/Monstera_delicosa_SwissCheese.htm Regards, A
  13. You checked the aerial connectors? Check to ensure you are using correct channel list on your freeview. Also what type of aerial do you have? Internal /external? Regards, A
  14. Yes, correct. You just need to ensure it meets your requirements and you don't end up missing any features you require / don't need to pay extra for. Regards, A
  15. Have you tried the Sheffield bus interchange? They should be able to advise you on all your options. Regards, A
  16. Hi, I personally own an IPad and have not used the kindle or the Kobo but came across the below article by zdnet which you may find useful http://www.zdnet.co.uk/blogs/zdnet-uk-first-take-10013312/amazon-kindle-or-whsmith-kobo-ereader-touch-10024630/ Regards, A
  17. You might want to have a look on the below link as I believe it's possible and there are multiple products in the market to allow this. Regards, A
  18. Hi Maggie, Check out the below review from a respectable source and see if it will meet your requirements. There is also a link for some issues that have been posted on the Apple support forum by users as recent as November. http://www.engadget.com/2011/07/20/apple-os-x-lion-10-7-review/ https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3204350?start=0&tstart=0 Regards, A
  19. You wouldn't have known if you didn't try! To ensure its not an iTunes issue might be worth downloading the below 3rd party trial app to see if your iPod is detected. http://www.bigasoft.com/ipod-transfer.html - ensure you read terms of use Also ensure all you're apple services are started and try an alternative USB port/ cable. A
  20. Another good article which is interesting and related to this post... http://ezinearticles.com/?Causes-Of-Wireless-Network-Interference-And-How-To-Avoid-Them&id=5155461 Reagrds, A
  21. Put the iPod into recovery mode by following instructions provided by Apple in the link below to see if this helps... http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1339 Regards, A
  22. Hi, Have you checked out the link below? http://support.xbox.com/en-GB/xbox-360/disc-drive/disc-drive Also, could you provide more details, Is it currently under warranty? Is the Xbox currently modded? I'm guessing No from your post, just want to confirm. Did this issue build up as time went on or was it all of a sudden? Regards, A
  23. Get them to change the wifi channel on the router and see if that helps....
  24. Now that's proper weird... How long does it take for it to go off while your in the house? Also found the below article which may assist. http://www.ryanstevens.co.uk/2011/06/06/wifi-problems-fix/
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