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Everything posted by swimityswim

  1. You need to get this book. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Guide-Literary-Agents-Chuck-Sambuchino/dp/1599632292/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1324232412&sr=8-1 Have a look in the children's library and read lots and lots of the books there. Have a think about whether you want to write picture books or short books for young readers. You'll need to know roughly how many words the publishers are looking for. I'm not sure if the above book will tell you that. A couple of calls to agents will be fruitful if you say you're just asking for information. Most of them don't take unsolicited work, so when you have something to show them, contact one agent and find out what their policy is, then do not send it to another agent until you've heard from the first one. They don't like taking manuscripts from people who have contacted other agents. It's a lengthy process. Good luck with it!
  2. I dont' think you're likely to find a reputable breeder who will sell their pup for that sort of price. You're more likely to risk buying from a puppy farm or breeder who hasn't done any health checks or provided the correct, expensive, vet treatment for the dogs. I strongly recommend waiting and saving up for a dog from a reputable breeder if a rescue pup isn't for you. Here's some sensible advice. http://www.dogstrust.org.uk/az/b/buyingadog/default.aspx Info on puppy farming. http://www.dogs-r-us.org/
  3. I would certainly keep your cats indoors for the next few months and I'd get them chipped at the vet you have frequented with them. As above, start gathering proof that they are your cats from pictures, vets, vaccination certificates and written confirmation from the members who supported you previously.
  4. Nothing but good things from a mum I know whose so goes there.
  5. Very true. Most people don't celebrate something every other night though. House parties are the way to go with little ones. Mainly because in our culture so few people welcome little ones as part of the crowd.
  6. Ah. That's a shame. Seems the dogs would benefit from the company and training as well as the exercise.
  7. Each to their own. It's one night a year. Also, I know people whose babies slept beautifully in the general hubub of a restaurant or other busy place. Incidentally, my eldest didn't sleep till midnight until he was over a year old. No amount of 'routine' would make him realise bed time was 7pm!
  8. I've found the best place for young families tends to be a house party. Is that an option? I don't know of anything else going on - sorry! Hope you have a great time.
  9. The snake via Glossop is quicker if you're starting from Crookes like I do, but if you're starting from High Green, I'd have thought the Woodhead would be better. I actually choose the woodhead 9 times out of 10 because there are places to pass at the beginning so if I'm behind a lorry or tractor I can get past it but it's hard to pass on the snake and can be very dangerous. Also, we sat for 2 hours on the snake once because of an accident blocking the road. It's narrower than the woodhead. And Glossop is my nightmare. It's always choked up and I have to crawl along and I am not good in slow traffic. I get really frustrated. So I usually prefer to take that little bit longer on a more reliably steady route.
  10. Babble and speak. Really lovely teachers. http://www.babbleandspeak.com/
  11. I didn't use a pillow. Sometimes I was more comfortable with a cushion propping my elbow up but I would have found a pillow a cumbersome extra to trail around with me, which removed some of the freedom to 'up and go' that breastfeeding gave. There are lots of positions you can try and a good midwife or breastfeeding support group can show you so you can get into the position you most like.
  12. I have been doing some one to one literacy lessons for a couple of years now after having some time out of teaching when my eldest was born 8 years ago. I've retrained with a particular interest in special needs and giftedness. I'll have my dyslexia specialist teaching certificate in March, with AMBDA status (Associate Member of the British Dyslexia Association) and I'm already an Associate Member of the National Association of Gifted Children. What I'd like to do, ideally, is work with children who do not attend school, for example school refusers or children who are too ill to attend, long or short term. And perhaps, also, children who are home schooled if they need extra support in their literacy. I'm not really sure who to contact and how to approach setting this up. I have experience and qualifications but no contacts. Does anyone know who I should approach or where I should place adverts? Obviously, I'll be putting cards up in local shops and one on here, if that's acceptable, but are there organisations who help children who don't attend school that I should be contacting? Thanks. It was very easy to fall into jobs when I was a mainstream teacher, but what I'm looking for is a bit more specialised now!
  13. There's labradorwelfare. I think the kennels are at Grenoside.
  14. I'd crate both of them to be honest. That way they can't chew or swallow something harmful when you're out and they're likely to toilet train easier. They won't need the crates for ever - just until you know they'll be safe, non-destructive and can play together safely when you're out.
  15. Keep your back to him if he jumps up at you - absolutely no attention until he stops and if he starts again turn your back. Ask friends to come round and do the same thing. I feed my dog his breakfast on his morning walk and that puts all his attention on me, so the pulling has stopped, as have his jumping up attempts, as I treat him every time someone walks past. Getting there, but it's been a slow process. Our big issue is getting him to walk past other dogs without thinking it's play time!
  16. I had a thread locked and I don't understand why. Could someone please let me know where the rules are posted so I can try to work out what the problem was? Thank you.
  17. I meant to add this. LOADS of evidence to back up what Lottie says. http://www.dogforum.com/dog-training/dominance-dogs-4076/
  18. Chez, lottie isn't being irresponsible. She's giving sensible advice if you reread her post. Debunking dominance theory. http://www.clickertraining.com/node/2297 The TAB video linked to earlier is great. He's got some others on his channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/tab289 All with a proper german shepherd. Kikopup has some great ones too. All with a proper german shepherd. I notice that my dog pulls on the lead when we start going downhill but not when we start going uphill. Is he asserting his dominance on downward slopes, or is it just that he wants to go faster?
  19. The little tank also housed my fighter for a while. (5 posts and I can pm you my number!)
  20. I've got a couple of bits and bobs too, like pH buffer and sand.
  21. It's 170l, 48X12X18" The tank is sound and the cabinet is in good nick, but there is some light scuffing on the edge of the bottom shelf. The lid well worn but looks okay and the light fitting works fine. My smaller tank needs a new bulb but is in good condition. I used it for the same purpose as you are looking for.
  22. Tank, hood, light and cabinet, £60. No filter or heater as they're being used in my other tanks, but I do have a 40l tank too that I can throw in.
  23. I've got a 4 foot one with cabinet that I am looking to sell. What size do you want?
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