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Everything posted by Dreb48

  1. Some names of teachers you may remember, I’ll try and add more as they come to me : Mrs Palfreyman Mrs Pryjomko Mrs Fletcher Mr Jackson Mr Bierton Mrs Verhardt- Lane Mrs Walker Miss Popple Miss Philipson ( Apologies if I’ve spelt any names wrong ) Mrs Lawrence was the main cook Mrs Hall and Mrs Lowe ably assisted in the school office
  2. All 5 of my children have been taught at Abbey Lane and my late wife was a school governor for a period They were there during the period that John Clarke and Frank Dobson were in charge Both of them were great Heads and excellent human beings. They all have happy memories of the teachers and their time there and have all benefited from the start thr school gave them
  3. I think Harold Brook had one up at Greenhill too. Back in the day , newsagent was a regular occupation for retired footballers . Tommy Hoyland ( Utd ) and Ronnie Starling ( Wednesday ) both had shops in Sheffield . Latterly , one of the players from Chesterfields famous Cup Run side had one on Derbyshire Lane
  4. Hard to imagine now the days when Nether Edge Hall was there . I remember seeing Johnny Kidd and the Pirates there early 60s, quite a while before it became Turn Ups. Anyone remember Max’s distinctive advert for it on Radio Hallam ?
  5. Yep still there and even busier since the Brincliffe Oaks closed ,round the corner, a few years ago
  6. The shop on St Paul’s Parade was Hobbies . There was a small craft shop on Chapel Walk called Whiteheads
  7. It was Gordon’s , sometimes known as Joel’s . It was on Church St late 60s early 70s I think
  8. Hi echo Fortunately the night of the drug bust we’d gone home really early and only heard about it the following day Was there though one Bank Holiday when there’d been lots of Mods and Rockers trouble at various seaside places . Word got round that there was a big gang of Rockers out in town waiting with bicycle chains and knives waiting for us to turn out of the club . Never seen such panic even though it turned out to be fiction. Saw so many acts there that went on to be famous. Long John Baldry with Steam Packet who were Rod Stewart, Jools and Brian Auger Trinity . The Kinks , the Yardbirds , the legendary Walker Bros gig where they got dragged off the stage by screaming girls The list is endless It was a unique place and a great time to be young
  9. Jimmy Powell and the Five Dimensions were an excellent blues/ soul band that I saw several times at the Esquire. Disappointingly they never really made it BIG
  10. Capstick was resident at the Highcliffe Folk Club for a long time and was a brilliant act . He had to tame his act down for his show on Radio Sheffield which was such a shame. Live and fueled by beer and whisky chasers he was hilarious.
  11. Can’t imagine there’s many still around that witnessed the Azena performance, echo . The first time I saw them was March 63 when they were supporting Helen Shapiro at the City Hall Amazingly they appeared there 3 or 4 times that year. Saw the Stones at the Gaumont , I think that was 64 and then, in later years , a couple of times at Don Valley I consider myself lucky to have had that opportunity
  12. Go on then, hackey lad , I’ll bite. Who are these 5 great bands that were around at the time ? After all, nobody makes that sort of statement without wanting to be asked
  13. I was lucky enough to see both bands in their early days . As a live act the Stones were and ,amazingly still are, a great band. By the time most of us got to see the Beatles live you could barely tell what they were playing cos of the audience screaming and I think you can only judge them on their recorded output. You have to have been around at the time to truly appreciate what the Beatles did for popular music and culture . You really can’t over exaggerate the influence they had on all our lives. Annoyingly, Ive seen people say they were’ the most overrated band of all time’ but invariably they’re people who weren’t alive at the time. In my opinion the Beatles are the most significant band ever in popular music
  14. Johnny Hawk and the Falcons were the first live group I ever saw . They played at the Methodist Youth Club on Totley Rise around 61
  15. My good friend Mick Lindley remembers GS letting him drive his moped up and down Rowan Tree Dell. He says he was a really nice bloke . Sad to tell you Rowlinson is , as you expected, long gone. That land is now occupied by Graves Leisure Centre and St James Retail Park
  16. Hi Adrian . Nice to see you’re still hanging in there.
  17. Did Gordon Stembridge live on Green Oak Rd just above the crossroads of Aldam Rd and Green Oak Ave and did he have a moped at one time ?
  18. Blimey Max , I hadn’t realised our paths passed so closely . The guys you mention were very much my mates through my teens . I spent hours trying to avoid playing cards with them !! Fuffs mums house was card school central and they were all avid card sharps . We ‘d get invited to parties and we’d miss all the fun cos there was a game of high stakes brag in the corner of someone’s living room . I’ve seen half a crown won and lost on the turn of a card !! Summers were invariably , as you say spent hanging around the rec by the tennis courts , an obligatory game of football with the new plastic footballs that had been invented or just walking the streets . We’d got past the age of playing in the woods and trainspotting down ‘ the cutting ‘and now looked forward to Thursdays at Totley Rise Youth Club and various other clubs on different nights I think by the time you were off into Derbyshire with Stubby and Mick Roebuck Id already left Totley for pastures new. Sadly I’ve no recollection of a Gordon Stembridge
  19. I remember you Max but can’t remember who you ‘ knocked about’ with . Who were your friends from that period ?
  20. Well there’s only one Max I can think of who went to TCS around that time . I reckon you’d be classmates with John Kay , John Parkin and John Cook 🤔
  21. Well yep it’s great for useless trivia and I’ve always had a memory for names . I was a Sub Postmaster for many years and it was a useful thing to have . Customers always liked to be remembered especially by name. I can actually more or less remember you moving in A new girl on the prefabs was a big deal back then !!
  22. No worries . Jennifer Been called worse things than Drew 😉
  23. Hi Prefab Dweller Have you managed to make contact with the above ? Didn’t you live almost next door ? I think you joined Totley County in the last couple of years we were there. Didnt you move on to High Storrs after ?
  24. Hi . Clive is alive and well and I’m in regular contact with him . He’s been told about your post
  25. I seem to remember loads of condensation in the kitchen . Those big windows seemed to attract it and I know we had black mold underneath them though I don’t think it was a major issue . I don’t really remember feeling extremes of temperature. I think we expected it to be cold in winter and putting an overcoat on top of the bedclothes wasn’t unusual and I don’t feel damaged by having to gather round the fire on a cold winters morning Central heating has turned us all into wimps .
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