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Everything posted by uptheowls88

  1. you simply cant drive now without insurance most cop cars have ampr cams on board wich will just show you up as not insured within seconds of seeing your number plate
  2. where to buy the instant light charcoal in bags looking for the kind where the charcoal is in bags and you just light the bags
  3. can you refill a 12kg Calor Gas bottle if so where is best place to take it and how much does it cost thanks
  4. hi if its a council property the council will collect free of charge if thats any help
  5. they dont no much then do they lol but least i dont pretend to do i
  6. yep you work for pc world lol how long did it take you to figure out how to turn your laptop are pc on?
  7. lol well tell me there not my son knows more about computers lol went in other day had to ask 2 people where there sata to ide convertors where didnt have a clue whnat they was another one was went for some compound thermal paste same thing errrrr whats that dont think we sell it lol another one bought a sata hard drive had to take it back and argue with this bloke who said its a sata hard drive when it clearly wasnt it was i ide hard drive maybe some are so stupid but everyone ive spoke to dont no much about computers are there components
  8. from pc world its prop only worth 6.99p anyway lol god i hate that shop half the dimwits who work there no nothing about laptops are pcs are anything to do with them
  9. just looked out of window some lovely clouds in sky
  10. yep ive had one had to carry it on my shoulder was that big lol
  11. http://www.avforums.com/forums/ipad/1272709-problem-my-3-ipad-microsim-internet-connection.html
  12. djrick i wouldnt go telling people on a open forum what you have in your home im sure 10 3tb hard drives are worth a few quid to the theiving scum round cross you no all they have to do is wait till u advertise on here selling sumat then get your address and wait till you go out
  13. i noticed it other day strange really it was fine before why change it now i ended up in wrong lane and didnt realise to i pulled away from lights lol
  14. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1328243/Up-75-cent-councils-dimming-street-lights-save-money.html
  15. if the fuse wasnt in when u took the car for test it wouldnt have failed the test as they dont check fuses in the car for a mot
  16. ive used standard coax cable with no props
  17. i agree with all the speed humps aswell there nearly on every street now days hartleybrook is terrible for them so is sicey area ect.. waste of time council doing awt tho as all they do is skim road with a small amount of tarmac 2 days later the potholes are back even when they resurface a full road never lasts more than 6/8 month before starts showing signs of potholes appearing again
  18. im sick of them aswell we pay our road tax why shouldnt they be fixed its not like road tax is cheap either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. ps3 is free for online cause its no where near as good as xbox live id rather pay and it be better also the ps3 as a internet browser so you can use it for bbci player ect... ps3 has built in bluray where 360 doesnt graphics wise the ps3 in my opnion is a bt brighter but really there about same they both have there ups and downs i also preffer xbox joypad over the ps3 pad
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