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Chucking a sicky


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People who go to work with a bad cold, or flu really get on my t*t.


Most of the colds I've had have been cotracted at work from cretins with a guilt complex who feel they mustn't let the side down or are just plain creeping round the boss.


Seven years ago I ended up in hospital with pneumonia because some idiot with flu wouldn't stay home, even though she'd been told to. She seemed to think the firm would collapse if she wasn't there to deal with things. She ended up being off for three weeks and was hardly missed :D

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People who go to work with a bad cold, or flu really get on my t*t.


Most of the colds I've had have been cotracted at work from cretins with a guilt complex who feel they mustn't let the side down or are just plain creeping round the boss.


Seven years ago I ended up in hospital with pneumonia because some idiot with flu wouldn't stay home, even though she'd been told to. She seemed to think the firm would collapse if she wasn't there to deal with things. She ended up being off for three weeks and was hardly missed :D


I too feel the same, there has been a sniffly, snotty man in my office who I wished would sod off home. No-one goes near him in fear of catching it, but he won't stay off.


Isn't a company shooting itself in the foot allowing workers to come in sick therefore infecting everyone else around them, so the following weeks staffing is down to nearly half?

In my last job if you came in ill they would send you home almost istantly. Not many people had sick time off and the horrible office bugs didn;t do the rounds.

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I haven't had a day off sick in the last three years - the sickness absence policy makes it too much trouble! Plus they've recently changed it to make it even more hassle and I don't really know what it is...

I also work part time, on the rare occasions I have been ill it's been either at a weekend or on a day I'm not at work anyway :(

I did fall off my bike on the way in a month or so ago, but there was literally no-one else to cover the work so I stayed there with a bruised wrist and mild concussion...

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I've called in sick from Alton Towers when I worked at Pizza Hut.


I'd tried to book the day off to go with my mates, but Mr Gaffer wouldn't let me have it, even though there was nobody else off and I had loads of holiday days. . he was just being a mardy get and I told him to his face "if I don't get the day off, then I'll probably be sick on that day. . "


He laughed it off believing I was jesting.


I phoned in, as we walked through the peaceful gardens / fountain bit in the middle. My gittish mates were all shouting behind me "Lets go on Oblivion", "nah, lets have Nemesis" to try and put me off but I managed to ignore em.


Upon my return, the area manager pulled me to one side and had a word along the lines of "what you have done is completley out of order and could get you fired" to which I politley replied "Yer can fire me if you want but as we've got begging for staff posters up and you know im a genuine grafter, I don't think you will and I did try to follow the rules but Mini-hitler in the office wanted to be a c"

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Isn't a company shooting itself in the foot allowing workers to come in sick therefore infecting everyone else around them, so the following weeks staffing is down to nearly half?


But they tend to be same companies that don't pay for the first 3 days of a sickness (to discourage people from throwing a sicky) so people come in rather than lose the pay and, as you said, everyone ends-up catching it.

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Rarely did then all of a sudden from early in 2006 started to become ill when I ate.

Had 3 lots of surgery since & loads of sickies which were unavoidable. Even ended up leaving work in an ambulance a couple of times.

Still going on now.

Checked only yesterday out of 183 working days this year I have already had 79 off sick already, this doesn't include ho;s that i took instead of sick & days where i worked then had to leave early due to ill health.


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To those complaining about people going to work even when sick, well that's the case in my company, where we're not paid for sickness, but also have to face a meeting with management when they deem you have been off too often (more than 5 days in a year). the result is there are germs going round nearly all year long, but they do not seem to be bothered. am sick at moment, pretty bad actually, but have been to work all week, just hope i passed it to my director, as my desk is next to hers :-)

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