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Thinking of coming "home" to UK/Sheffield


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thank you for your comments. They are all valid - no matter what the opinion. My situation is that I am early 50s, divorced with no children (and I have no brothers or sisters). My only family here is my mother (late 70s).


Here we have a severe water crisis and temperatures of up to 45 degrees celsius (about 115 degrees fahrenheit) in summer - and I don't live in the outback, but a major capital city!!


Would live to live on the outskirts of Sheffield (ie Peak District), but I have only a small family back in the UK - none of whom now live in Sheffield.


I am seriously considering building a house on a family property in North Wales.


I am worried about cost of living in UK (huge by my observations last year) and health care - I read an appalling story of neglect of an elderly man in the Manchester hospital system on the BBC site tonight - is this typical?

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Think seriously about coming back. Immigrants seem to get much better treatment here now than people with an English passport.


NHS is in a total mess don't know how old you are but if you've been in Oz for 43 years you must be in a more mature age group. Think seriously about this point. I'm dreading getting old in this country and am fearful in case me or any of my family should have to go into hospital at this present time.


Stay in the sunshine. The grass always seems greener on the other side - and with the rain we're having it looks very green here at the moment!

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Think seriously about coming back. Immigrants seem to get much better treatment here now than people with an English passport.


NHS is in a total mess don't know how old you are but if you've been in Oz for 43 years you must be in a more mature age group. Think seriously about this point. I'm dreading getting old in this country and am fearful in case me or any of my family should have to go into hospital at this present time.



It is easy to criticise the Nhs, but recently i have had treatment at both the Hallamshire hospital and Calow Chesterfield. lovely staff and prompt attention ,plus my wifes regular blood checks at Calow no more than 5mins most of the time i wait in the car.

I have a relative in Australia near Brisbane very hot in summer and many parts of OZ is a problem with flies,give me our countryside every time.

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Hiya my friend now lives in Thailand and misses home so much he married last year and i went over to the wedding expences paid for, he would love to return here but he would have no work and no where to live and unfortunatly i havnt got the room for him it's so sad i will be visiting again in 8 weeks and taking him some home comforts liqurice allsorts etc he has a lovely home and wife and works in a school but lifes so cruel at times.

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It is easy to criticise the Nhs, but recently i have had treatment at both the Hallamshire hospital and Calow Chesterfield. lovely staff and prompt attention ,plus my wifes regular blood checks at Calow no more than 5mins most of the time i wait in the car.

I have a relative in Australia near Brisbane very hot in summer and many parts of OZ is a problem with flies,give me our countryside every time.


It is easy to criticise the NHS but I work for them and see things that are going on at the moment.


Agree about the countryside but from what I hear the Health Service in Oz is far superior than ours.

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Think seriously about coming back. Immigrants seem to get much better treatment here now than people with an English passport.


NHS is in a total mess don't know how old you are but if you've been in Oz for 43 years you must be in a more mature age group. Think seriously about this point. I'm dreading getting old in this country and am fearful in case me or any of my family should have to go into hospital at this present time.


Stay in the sunshine. The grass always seems greener on the other side - and with the rain we're having it looks very green here at the moment!

Can I just comment here and correct you - the NHS is NOT in a total mess ! You a Daily Mail reader by any chance?!!!!! 'Immigrants get better treatment here now than people with an English passport' - shame on you !

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It is easy to criticise the NHS but I work for them and see things that are going on at the moment.


Agree about the countryside but from what I hear the Health Service in Oz is far superior than ours.


Then I suggest a change of career dear ! If you work for the NHS and are so disapproving- either do something about it or get out ! Put up or shut up ! Have you any personal experience of Australia health care or do you believe everything you read in the newspapers or see on TV? I know for a fact that they have huge problems over there at the moment. The OP in their opening post stated that they are disillusioned with their life in Australia.

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Been away for 41 years - disillusioned with life in Australia now and thinking of coming back to live in the UK. /QUOTE]


You're not that bloke who was stuck up a tree for eight days surrounded by hungry crocs are you ? :D


There are far more dangerous predators than crocodiles in the UK these days !

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Well, I have visited 43 countries and lived (for between 5 months and three years) in four of them - South Africa (crime), Germany (Germans), Kuwait (got out just before Saddam invaded) and Australia (bureaucracy - as my wife said "you need a permit to sneeze"). Australia doesn't have a monopoly of bureaucracy (Germany comes a close second) but we found more of it there than anywhere else, at least in our line of business. The weather's better, though... Can't fault the NHS for how they treated my mum for 5 years until she died last September at 87 - she couldn't have had better treatment by clinicians or care workers. Now we live in North Lincolnshire and visit Sheffield about once a month. Best compromise.

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