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Stocksbridge Bypass & Rockley Furnace Ghosts

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Stocksbridge Bypass.


Hi this is Kitt, Lisa and Jade the founders of Knight Paranormal Connections Worsborough,

We are currently investigating Stocksbridge Bypass and Rockley Furnace and their hauntings. We have experienced a few strange goings on around Stocksbridge Bypass such as bright blue eyes seen in the rear view mirror by our driver Kitt, We also heard unexplainable noises outside of the car like an old man screaming/shouting and loud screeching sounds coming from the tyres of our vehicle and from this point we all got a little eerie.

We also stopped on a bridge above Stocksbridge Bypass (Pea Royd Lane) to investigate. We later found that on our photographs were big orbs and light anomalies. Further through the night one of our team members (Jade) said she saw a black hooded figure almost chasing the cars on the Bypass. Later that same night we were walking along the hills on Stocksbridge Bypass when we tried recording but the cameras were failing, we all thought this was a little strange because our cameras were fully charged. Jade was later recording and found that a large orb like shape flew past the lens. We went back to the car to get ready for our next investigation at Rockley Furnace meanwhile Lisa took a photo of Jade and a demon like face appeared next to her in the window of the car. We then ventured off to Rockley Furnace and just before we came to an exit from the Bypass, We all got a very strong smell of alcohol (beer).


Rockley Furnace.


Our team arrived at Rockley Furnace about 10:20pm, All our crew witnessed the cameras failing again,The MF detector started going off in the carry case, Flickering of the torches when they were fully charged, More orbs on the the photographs, We recorded a bright moving orb like shape on our camcorder also recording the building we caught a white face in the building itself. Later on we were filming and found that in the distance the pit shaft was surrounded by strange tiny blue lights, On looking back on printing our photographs we found that there was an apparition (ghostly figure)

stood next to kitt whom was filming at the time.


If anyone would be interested in joining our team on an investigation please email to find more information.

Also if anyone else has experienced any similar situations at any of these location please dont hesitate to comment or email your findings to the founders at;





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Stocksbridge Bypass.


meanwhile Lisa took a photo of Jade and a demon like face appeared next to her in the window of the car.


, On looking back on printing our photographs we found that there was an apparition (ghostly figure)

stood next to kitt whom was filming at the time.



If anyone else has experienced any similar situations at any of these location please dont hesitate to comment or email your findings to the founders at;






Can you post links to these photo's?

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Stocksbridge bypass is well known for ghosites


there is a hooded monk who haunts Pea Royd lane - when the bypass was being built the security guards reporting the monk and a group of "victorian" children playing ring o roses around the pylon


put Stocksbridge bypass into Google and you'll find all sorts of websites (can't remember the links now!)


we live in Stocksbridge and Pea Royd is spooky - try around midnight.... ; - )

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Be careful, I worked for the security firm featured in the film about the stocksbridge bypass ghost. I saw the men it terrorised. It is not funny. They never worked again. One is in a monastery in Canada and one is still under mediacation after nearly 20 years.

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camrat78, thankyou for your reply, can you tell us the name of the group that you are involved in? does your group have a website?

what other places have you investigated in the past, or going to investigate in the future?

Have you ever visited the Rockley Furnace?

I look forward to your reply.

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