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Trauma of the PC kind

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I can't believe it.

So I get home today and think, I know I'll log onto the web and hook back up to the Sheffield Forum.


Little did I know my PC had other ideas; because you see I had a trojan on my system which has progressively getting worse by as the weeks went on.

NAV2003 couldn't delete nor quarantine it so I've been stuck.

I was even thinkin to myself this morning ''When I get home I'll start backing up my word docs, downloads and others needed stuff and just re-intall windows XP".


Only when I got home, my system would boot up fine to the start page... but no icons would appear, no bar across the bottom of the screen, nothing... just the mouse pointer!


After A LOT of failed attempts to reboot (including in Safe Mode, using a boot disk etc) I gave into what my PC was telling me and used the f****** disk Dr on it! So my PC is now back to it's original factory settings, I've lost ALL my valuable docs and downloads (not to mention emails, and email addresses) and I've lost everything :cry: :cry: .


Just goes to show, back up the whole thing!


Now can anyone tell me how do I back up my registery and if I do and this happens again, can I use it to get my stuff back?

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Hi there, well there is still hope on gettting your stuff back..but I dont want to keep your hopes up. If you go into the Windows Xp Setup (blue screen load off cd) providing the hardrive is still showing that there is space being used up its accessable. (For future reference, sorry missed the FDISK :( ) Also for future ref, if you every experience the No Icons, No Start Menu etc... click, CTRL+ALT+DEL. Then go to task manager and find the explorer.exe under process which is running. Click End task for that! Now once that has happened, go to the applications tab and start a new task, locate the explorer.exe file within C:\Windows and click ok. That should refresh the file and effectivly make it work.


As for backing up the registry..go to Start, Run, and then type "REGEDIT" without the " of course. Now once that has opened, you go to File, Export. Now you need to make sure that it is check at the bottom of the box to "ALL" then type a filename and save it.

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Oh as for your emails. I have a solution which I used. Before you choose to backup your files make sure Outlook Express is closed or the file will appear to being "read" by Outlook.


Then Go To My Computers

Tools Menu >>> Folder Options

View Tab

Show Hidden Files and Folders. Check that box.


Now go to C drive. Documents and Settings.

Select the User u are working under. For example Administrator or Rick.

Then Local settings.

Application Data


Some Odd File Name, which includes letters, numbers and spaces.


Outlook Express

Now you should see many files named as "Sent Items.dbx" etc..

Select all them and copy into a backup area.


The Address in the bar for future ref should look something like this.


C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{F729E4E0-625D-4E53-887D-410959794339}\Microsoft\Outlook Express


Hope this helps. Rick


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Well what you do when you have backed it up. Go to Regedit, Box opens...click import instead of export. That will refresh the registry to previous state. It varies really mate. To be safe, backup before you install something stupid.. also I recommend you download this..ive put it on my website for ya..its a popup stopper and very handy! self explanatory really. Give me 5mins to find the file..Ill edit the message in a sec. :D


Pop Up Stopper


The serial is enclosed within the zip file.


This file wont totally eliminate viruses but it will help to stop popups and other unwanted things.


Hope this helps. Rick :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

You might not have lost all your documents. The chances are they are still on your disk, but just invisible to the file system. Try running one of the file recovery utilities (eg http://www.bitmart.net/r2k.shtml though I've never actually used this one) and you'll be surprised what it'll find.


For the future, use a product like Acronis backup to take an image of your whole hard drive which you can then restore to in case of errors.


Also, using virtual partitions on your drive is a good idea. EG, set up C,D and E drives instead of just the default C drive. Use the C drive only for windows, use the D drive for your programs, and the E drive for data. That way, even if you have to reformat the C partition and re-install windows completely, your data should remain untouched.

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