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Complaint over Dead Passenger for Flight Duration!

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Surely its fair enough to ask for your money back when you've paid for first class passage and instead had to endure a nightmare? It's a no brainer really.


So if the plane got hijacked and the guy complained about having to endure a nightmare would that also be a "no brainer"?

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On this thread we were told by mod to respect the deceased. This guy who was actually at the scene went running to the media because he was indignant about his treatment. Does that sort of respect thing not apply to him, it seems that because he has paid a certain first class figure that his priorities are allowed to go a little awry.


Where in any report does it say he went running to the media ?

From what I have read he only spoke up when questioned by police , the media sought him out ,as far as I can make out.

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Where in any report does it say he went running to the media ?

From what I have read he only spoke up when questioned by police , the media sought him out ,as far as I can make out.


The media didn't seek him out! The police don't go to the media with these stories!

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That's just typically over the top alarmist speculation, If you were that worried about bird flu you wouldn't step outside your house.

Anyone of the fellow passengers might be carrying a dangerous infectious disease, you're far more likely to catch something from a living person as they are actively breathing and coughing germs out.


You are expressing your self in a typical way to twist my words , read it again I said

'who knows how or why this person died, from Asia, bird flu was one scary thought from some'

By some not me, as you have twisted it to look like I said it. It was actually in one of the news reports expressing normal people worries. OK sometimes normal people are alarmist don't forget we are human most of us would definately not want to have to sit near a corpse on a 5 hour flight: I suspect you would not wish to sit near a wailing person for 5 minutes let alone 5 hours.

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On this thread we were told by mod to respect the deceased. This guy who was actually at the scene went running to the media because he was indignant about his treatment. Does that sort of respect thing not apply to him, it seems that because he has paid a certain first class figure that his priorities are allowed to go a little awry.


If I was a relative I woundn't find it offensive. I would understand that it must have been an unpleasant experience and certainly nobody would want to have paid £3k to experience.


I think we go OTT with the whole "respect" thing.

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How did the media find out then, no one else is mentioned in the report?



The media find out such things from aircrew, other passengers many of whom had to give evidence.

You are kidding yourself if you think that no police would sell info to a newshound.

Lots of air crew make extra cash flogging details to the press , usually on high profile celebs admittedly but once you know what can make a story people don't hold back...money talks.

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I have just asked a pilot I know what their policy is. The policy is to cover them with a blanket and to move adjacent passengers if possible and if there are only spare seats in first class to move them to first class. He thinks this story is ridiculous as it inconvenience too many people.


So it seems the irony is that in this instance (which is less true the more I think about it) rather than give some passengers a free upgrade they have upgraded the ones who should have sat with the deceased, the relatives.


He also told me that the deceased is still entitled to their duty free allowance.


Yes Zamo I agree about this respect thing being OTT, please start a thread about it.

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