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Sheffield VS Leeds


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Originally posted by Sony

So are the outskirts of Leeds not as nice as Sheffield's in your opinion? Does Leeds city centre not reflect the rest of the city??


Sony, I think the outskirts of Sheffield are much better than the outskirts of Leeds. Whilst there are rough areas in Sheffield I don't think anywhere in Sheffield is as rough as the worst areas of Leeds such as Little London, Woodhouse, Chapeltown, Harehills, Halton Moor, Seacroft, Gipton, East End Park, Beeston and Burley. If you also consider the settings of both cities (Sheffield on the edge of the Peak District, Leeds too far from the Yorkshire Dales for them to have any effect on its topography) there is absolutely no competition but even if you only consider things created by humans the Sheffield area is more impressive than the Leeds area.


Leeds city centre certainly does not reflect the rest of the city. A large part of the city centre has been shaped with the aim of attracting the custom of the city's wealthiest residents (who mainly live in the villages/suburbs on the borough's northern and western edges or in new city centre apartments), the wealthiest residents of other parts of Yorkshire and other visitors to the city. It barely reflects the city's inner city areas or even its suburbs such as Pudsey, Horsforth and Garforth which are slums when compared to the suburbs of some other towns and cities (there are suburbs of Barnsley and Doncaster which are more pleasant than some suburbs of Leeds). Besides, Leeds is also Yorkshire's regional centre so some parts of Leeds city centre are a reflection of the corporate culture of major national or international organisations rather than the people who happen to be from Leeds. You can walk a mile or two out of Leeds city centre and feel as if you are walking out of one city and into another.

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I've lived in leeds for the past 2 years and lived in sheffield for a good few years before that but still visit sheffield and think its a great city.


but i noticed this thread and one from ages back from about the relative sizes and thought some of the ideas very misleading.


it was said that the leeds population includes wakefield etc this is ridiculous the accepted leeds population is about 50,000 more than sheffield and less than 600,000 (not 750,000!).

The only places that it includes of any size which are not integral parts of the leeds conurbation are wetherby and otley- both small towns with a combined population less than 20,000. similar to how stocksbridge is included in sheffields population due too it being part of the same local authority.


i agree that the whole idea of populations has got ridiculous in this country and there should be an accepted list of town sizes based purely on the actual town. to me this reaches its limit in things like the wigan situation and closer to home wakefield.


wakefield city has a population of roughly 60,000 but it size is given as about 6 times as big as this includes other towns such as castleford which are not and never have been part of wakefield! (although part of the same council area).


finally someone was right when they said its a bit sad all this slagging of leeds off in sheffield - doing it does sheffireld no favours. In leeds sheffield is not slagged off its very rarely mentioned- something which i think says everything...

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Originally posted by Fingers

Sony, I think the outskirts of Sheffield are much better than the outskirts of Leeds. Whilst there are rough areas in Sheffield I don't think anywhere in Sheffield is as rough as the worst areas of Leeds such as Little London, Woodhouse, Chapeltown, Harehills, Halton Moor, Seacroft, Gipton, East End Park, Beeston and Burley. .


It barely reflects the city's inner city areas or even its suburbs such as Pudsey, Horsforth and Garforth which are slums when compared to the suburbs of some other towns and cities (there are suburbs of Barnsley and Doncaster which are more pleasant than some suburbs of Leeds).



Admittedly some of those areas in Leeds arent too nice but the arguments slightly undermined by saying thatthere are no areas in sheffield as bad. Burley is hardly rough and woodhouse quite nice in parts and to say their in the league of parsons cross, southey green, shire green , darnall, brromhall, sharrow etc is ridiculous.


and horsforth a slum... makes about as much sense as saying fulwood is!

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Leeds is so over-rated, there's nothing unique about the place at all, it isn't famous for anything, it's a cultural desert, and all the cities best achievements have been done bigger and better elsewhere and why the hell does Leeds smell so bad?


Yeah Look North is a prime example of the ignorance and self hype culture that is rife within Leeds.


Leeds City Council is one of the biggest offenders of this overhype rentlessly spewing out their manipulated statistics to its residents, no wonder half of them are so deluded!


Mention Manchester and Birmingham to them and their world starts to crumble around them!


Leave them to it I say, they only make themselves sound uneducated and arrogant at the end of the day.


Sheffield is still Yorkshires best kept secret!


Just love this!: Emporis is one of the world's most respected, widely utilized sources for research, ratings, statistics and analysis and place's Sheffield before Leeds in it's list of biggest cities within the UK.



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Fordcortina, I didn't say Horsforth is "a slum". I said that some of the suburbs of Leeds such as Pudsey, Horsforth and Garforth "are slums when compared to the suburbs of some other towns and cities". Horsforth may be nicer than many other parts of Leeds but there are far nicer places to live in West and South Yorkshire. As for Burley hardly being rough you must be confusing it with somewhere else because the Burley I know is packed with dilapidated back-to-back terraces mostly inhabited by students who are frequently preyed on by local robbers and burglars (it's not been unknown for 500 student houses to be burgled on Christmas Day and another 500 to be burgled on New Year's Day, the days when the houses are least likely to be occupied).


Whilst parts of Sheffield are rough and may be getting rougher the roughest areas of Leeds and Bradford are in a different league to the rough areas of Sheffield and have been for at least a decade largely as a result of the presence of staggering numbers of heroin and crack addicts, a huge problem which has received far less coverage (particularly in the so-called local media) than joyriders, paedophiles and asylum seekers. Giving the levels of hard drug addiction or truancy or racist abuse towards non-whites more coverage could have undermined the argument that some in the local media wanted to put forward (that non-white immigrants are the main cause of the area's problems) and wouldn't have been popular with their predominately white and largely elderly target audience so these issues have been avoided whenever possible. However, this attempt at collective denial and the massively disproportional amount of almost exclusively fawning coverage given to one particular shop in Leeds have failed to sweep these problems under the carpet because the scale of those problems in Leeds is huge.


P.S. Whilst the slagging off of Leeds may seem indicative of an inferiority complex Leeds has a superiority complex and here's one story which I have heard which I think illustrates it. When The Stone Roses played in Leeds the crowd chanted "We are Leeds" at the band as they came on stage. Eventually Ian Brown said "This is Leeds" and then Mani began playing the bassline to "I Wanna Be Adored". Would the crowd at a gig anywhere else in the UK chant something like "We are Sheffield" or "We are Manchester", never mind chant it at a band from another city which was far superior to any of that city's own bands?

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Whatever happens, lets hope Sheffield catches up a lot, can;t really understand why some companies like muji, habitat and the likes aren't attracted to Sheffileld as surlely a lot of us have got to travel up to leeds or down to n'gham to get to these shops....

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