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Sheffield VS Leeds


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there you go, wasnt so offensive... lol i dont disagree, i used to work at meadowhall myself so im more than familiar with its treatment of staff, how unpleasently busy it is etc especially at christmas and during the sales, and dont choose to go there unless it can be avoided. neither does anyone i know, for most of my friends and family its the convenience factor which leads me to think improvements and regeneration in town will get more people back there, then again maybe im being idealistic. heres hoping...

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I do like shopping in town, when it's warm and sunny, but in the rain and wind it's not a pleasant experience.


I only realy go on special shopping trips to buy clothes anyway, so I go to Division Street as thats where the good clothes shops are, I don't realy need anything the shops on Fargate (mobile phones) or the Moor (cheap crap) sell.


Though if I'm after something realy fashionable (I should grow up) I go to Leeds.


Just about teverything I buy on a weekly basis can be got from ASDA or London Road, which is a 10 minute walk away.


Once the city centre has been done-up I might use it for more, but until then there is very little to attract me as a customer in the daytime.

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