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There's some sick people around- taking photos of accident victims to post on the net

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What is worse is that none of them offered to help the trapped driver,again pathetic and twisted individuals.


I may be wrong but I do believe that all the photographs being referred to were being taken after the emergency services were on site and doing what they do best.

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i think it is indicative of general society today, people will take fotos of a trapped and injured man, but will not try to help!


What exactely were people supposed to do? It took heavy lifting equipment to free him, the average member of the public is going to be no use whatsoever unless they are a first on the scene, a member of the emergency services, trained in first aid or another useful skill in the case of an RTA.


Whilst it was not acceptable to take photos (*if* anyone actually did and this isn't a story spun by the local rag), saying that they should have helped is perhaps not really helping either - they'd have probably been a hinderance to the emergency services who needed to get in and help the trapped driver.


Of course if people can help or are asked to they should - but bear in mind that most people panic in these scenarios and would have been of little help to those injured or the emergency services.

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I may be wrong but I do believe that all the photographs being referred to were being taken after the emergency services were on site and doing what they do best.


The photos on the Flickr site that I posted were taken at about 8:25am during the clear up operation. The injured driver had already been taken away, although a lot of the response team were picking over the cab, and the protective cowl was still in place, so it wasn't possible to be sure what was going in in the bus. A police photographer was busily photographic every little detail, so I didn't I was intruding by taking a few shots behind him.


I find the idea of photographing injured people extremely distasteful and would definitely distance myself from those who may have photographed the driver using their phone cameras.


I was shocked by the damage to the two buses, and at the had feared that both drivers must have been killed instantly. I posted them to the forum because I didn't think that people who were discussing the accident could have grasped how violent the crash had been. I am very sorry if anyone was upset by the photos, but they only show structural damage to buses, and are no different from those used in the Sheffield Star's article.

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Makes no difference what hey photographed,and for you to say its spun to make a great story.

Its far from a great story,are you going to tell the families it made great



I meant from a tabloid point of view, and the Star is effectively a tabloid newspaper. Kelvin Mackenzie, infamous former Sun editor was once asked about his smears on the Hillsborough disaster and replied "We're in the entertainment business". There's also a saying in TV news: "If it bleeds, it leads".


It is a distasteful mindset but that's unfortunately the media that we have.



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it's funny how everyone wants to view pic's of diana's crash.

why is this so different?

would i do it? NO

would i like it done to me ? NO

do i understand that the public & media crave this sort of stuff? Yes


Exactly mate!

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I meant from a tabloid point of view, and the Star is effectively a tabloid newspaper. Kelvin Mackenzie, infamous former Sun editor was once asked about his smears on the Hillsborough disaster and replied "We're in the entertainment business". There's also a saying in TV news: "If it bleeds, it leads".


It is a distasteful mindset but that's unfortunately the media that we have.




I don't think it is so much the media that we have, as the society we have. The media only report on what sells.


As a point though, the world is not a pretty place, a lot of sh*t happens to a lof of unlucky and unfortunate people, but it doesn happen and the media have a duty to report this. Hiding the bad stuff that happens only causing bigger problems-for anyone doubting this think of the cover up of the early nazi regime.



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I may be wrong but I do believe that all the photographs being referred to were being taken after the emergency services were on site and doing what they do best.


Not quite,a link on this forum provided images during the treatment of the trapped driver.

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