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Jellytots Parent/Carer & Child Drop In Centre Megathread


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Don't have a car SpeedDemon, not sure where s8/s17 is. To be honest wanted an afternoon playgroup, but may just have to go to a morning one. There are quite a few where I live but I know from going to the churches they are all very cliquey too, but nothing like what awfulness I experienced today.


Thank you all for your messages, made me feel better knowing I am not the only one they have treated like that. They should make the playgroup a private one for only the people they want to go. Or I wonder is it a quick £5 to be made for the people that pay the years membership, then don't come back because of how they are treat.

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I've had a brief of how the session went and as far as I can gather there was nothing specifically done wrong. However, we are all entitled to opinions and not all aspects of Jellytots will suit all parents.

We have had one or two parents with very specific issues who haven't returned as they would no longer be welcome. We've also had a few who want to be babysat through the session. I always ask for the people who run it now to be friendly and welcoming but not to foist themselves on others and in my experience that is what happens. Some people feel that they must be attended to and dislike this approach, others prefer to find their feet in their own time.

We cannot suit everyone and although I'm sorry not everyone can find it to their taste it shouldn't involve personal vendettas or attacks.

For that reason I shall close this thread whilst it all calms down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

its real shame the mega thread got closed me and my sister-in-law was really looking forward to coming but I thought zebra's response was extremley rude and unproffesional and the closing the thread because there was negative comments?


There is good and bad in every toddler group and yes sometimes negative comments can be off putting but this is a forum. I admit I was slightly put off by the comments but when Zebra closed the thread and made her comments i was completley put off.

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I could not agree more... I was stunned and outraged by Zebra's response. This is a forum and I understood that to mean a place where people could express their views.

I think it simply shows Jellytots to be a place for a certain number of Forum members (a clique) and not at all the open "welcome everyone" place it suggests itself to be. It has certainly put me off going.

I also felt so strongly for the poor lady that went with her daughter. Her views were not listened to or taken seriously by the organisers of the group. Instead the discussion dismissed and closed. Disgraceful. As were Zebra's disparaging remarks about having to "baby sit" people...

I am sure this post will get deleted... or this thread closed too. But I have had my say for its worth.

Edited by Zachsden
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Oh this is quite funny.. ive experienced it first hand and think its hilarious Zebra closed the megathread.... wont have nothing bad said against it :roll: Its a disgrace. Of course, this is my opinion and I may be bitter or something but how many people need to say it before something is done? Are we all just bitter or are we all actually being truthful? Latter for me. Oh well, I got my 3 beautiful god children thanks to this group (where I met my now closest friend) just a shame she got banned for being ill! :lol:

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Its such a shame as jellytots is so central and that is the main reason we wanted to try it as me and my sister-in-law aren't in the same area.


I cannot comment on what it is like as I haven't been but if the group is run in a similar way to how the mega thread was run I would rather my child go to mega kidz as thats pretty cheap. The reason I wanted to try an actual toddler group was for the friend making and routine. For now though I will stick with the play centres.

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