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So where's the red carpet then eh?

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Well I'm back after my getting hitched and my honeymoon.

Just to say the maldives was fantastic and the weather was great.


It did rain every day, but usually once a day fro about an hour (about 4pm) and it dried up within about the same period so no biggie.


To get a feel for what it was like I've uploaded some piccies for you guys to check out. Take a look here. It's just a small sample from the 187 pics I took during my two week stay.


It's been a great time and I would recommend the maldives to anyone. Although the budget aint gonna stretch to a yearly retreat there - despite what the wife says :wink:


So......... what's been happening folks? :thumbsup:

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Ya gone and done it this time DaB. Mrs owdlad aka Arowdlas was looking over my shoulder as I turned a sickly shade of green (with envy) looking at your photos and she seems set on emptying the shoe box and smashing the piggy bank to get to go over to them there sea shell islands, even after I told her it is a BIT further than Skeggy.


All the best to you and Mrs DaB and may you have a long and happy marriage.



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Although she has asked me numerous times and I've had to keep letting her down - aint that right Bonny :P


Thanks for the congrats folks.

Owdlad I'm sure it'll take more than a piggy bank to get to the maldives. Luckily we were sponsored by VISA so it was alright ;)

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