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Hillsborough Hotel - bargainous meals in January - now extended!


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called in last night also had the chicken in leek sauce and the sausage in mint was ordered by my wife, two delicious meals for £6 brilliant and the beer, well i'm usually a lager man but just lately we,ve been trying the real ale, it's bloody marvelous, the service was very good as well.

the dogs were well behaved, the one called holly barked at that huge dog what meaks mentioned which i'm not surprised at , she's big for a bitch, had to laugh at the way she was watching her owner having his meal.

nipping in with my dog over the weekend tht'll be fun he's a WELSH springer spaniel and bloody daft with it.

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Does anyone know what the parking facilities are like at or near the Hillsborough? I don't drive myself, but one of the friends I go out for meals with does - I may just be able to persuade her to give the Hillsborough a try if there's somewhere safe nearby to park.



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I can also recommend the Hillsborough Hotel. The fella that owns it used to have my local and was a top bloke.


The pub he used to have had a smashing selection of whiskys. I once went in and asked for one. He seemed surprised I'd asked for one of the less popular whiskys. He asked me how I drank it, I said neat, on the rocks. He said good lad and didn't charge me. Didn't charge me for the next 5 or so whiskys either!


Was good on his part cos he had a good customer after that.


I think he's called Tom.

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