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Girls! need advice on a skincare regime please.

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Or lads, any beauticians out there? on dermowhatsits? Need some advice. Always used simple dove soap and water and had great skin, and little make up but quite frankly my skin is now crap, ought to be piling the slap on everyday but don't tend to bother. I'm not a proper bird (as my OH says) so not very good at choosing stuff when I go somewhere like Boots, I just don't understand what everything is meant to do.

I spend a fair bit of time outside in "the weather" so to speak and my skin is starting to age quicker than it should. Someone mistoke me for 29 the other day and I'm only 23. It's not that bad, but I don't want it to get any worse. Also getting bleedin spots for the first time in my life too. So I need recomendations please.

1) A protective barrier from the weather when I'm with the horse or out riding 9every morning and most afternoons) (not Vaseline preferably:gag: it's a bit rank)

2) A middle of the price range deep cleansing somet for night time, that actually cleans without burning or scraping your face.

3) A middle of the price range moisturiser for when my skins dry. (Oil free)

4) Any general advice on what to do/where to go to stay looking young and pretty forever and not like a weathered old hag in my 20's! (No I am not interested in cosmetic surgery)



Thank you good people of SF! :thumbsup:

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I recommend the Vitamin E range (pink one) from the bodyshop.


I love St Ives apricot facial scrub though, makes my skin feel lovely and soft and smooth...


Will be taking a trip to Boots to try that out thanks. I used to use the St Ives facial scrub sometimes actually, it is good.

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Being a female, I hate all the fuss over all the products. However, I'm kinda paying for it now really. >.< !


If you're out a lot in the sun anyway. Then consider any moisturing lotion which has a SPF factor of 20 or more or something. Wearing a hat helps from sun's damaging rays. Do what I do, for a lazy bird like me. Which is to find a product which combines many function. i.e. a moisturising lotion with SPF factor in it will keep sun rays out, as well as moisturise the skin. So applying it once a day, or in the morning will do for the day.


If you get spots for the first time. Avoid greasy food, and crispy food. It dehydrates the body. Drink a lot of fluids, and make sure you have a bit of veg in most of your meals. (It helps.)


1) A protective barrier from the weather when I'm with the horse or out riding 9every morning and most afternoons) (not Vaseline preferably it's a bit rank)

- Anything with Vit E in it ? Choose one that has a SPF factor too.


2) A middle of the price range deep cleansing somet for night time, that actually cleans without burning or scraping your face.

- I'd recommend Clarin's products. There's different schools of thoughts. Use good products less often, or use less effective products, but more often. (Less is more. Plus lazy ppl like me suits the other method. :hihi:) Cheap deep cleansing product. Do a clay mask or something. Remember to moisturise afterwards though.


3) A middle of the price range moisturiser for when my skins dry. (Oil free)

- This is really up to you. Some moisturising products feel too think,, some absorbs well into the skin. So it depends on you. Try products which have samples.


4) Any general advice on what to do/where to go to stay looking young and pretty forever and not like a weathered old hag in my 20's! (No I am not interested in cosmetic surgery)

- Do anything that you enjoy. Increasing the endorphines in our body is surely a good thing ! If you like dancing, go dancing. If you like climbing, go climbing. Apart from skin deep beauty, our mental health is important too. Not be too stressed or to be bogged down in thoughts increases our life expectancies.

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I recommend the Vitamin E range (pink one) from the bodyshop.


I love St Ives apricot facial scrub though, makes my skin feel lovely and soft and smooth...



Snap. I recommend Vit E products too. Is it cos chemists think alike ? :P

Any cosmetic products which have natural ingredients have my thumbs up too. It's great if its ethical too.

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