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Do you mind being called a Pom

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The latest news from Oz, An English migrant has finally spat the dummy after 36 years living here, he hates being called a Pom & says it is offensive, it took him long enough to work that one out.

I have lived here also for 36 years & I'm proud of where I came from & don't mind being called a Pom at all, to me this is political correctness gone mad.

Things could be worse, he could have been a Froggie, Square Head or even a sceptic tank, not to mention Abbo, does this kind of name calling humour upset you ?

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The latest news from Oz, An English migrant has finally spat the dummy after 36 years living here, he hates being called a Pom & says it is offensive, it took him long enough to work that one out.

I have lived here also for 36 years & I'm proud of where I came from & don't mind being called a Pom at all, to me this is political correctness gone mad.

Things could be worse, he could have been a Froggie, Square Head or even a sceptic tank, not to mention Abbo, does this kind of name calling humour upset you ?


Errr... Pom and Froggie I'm familiar with. But Square Head, sceptic tank and Abbo? :huh: Are these native Ossie references? Translation please.

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Skippy, Skippy- septic tank puhlease. I don't mind being called a Pom it's the other bit I'm not keen on.;)


I do dislike the term Abbo, makes me quite angry to tell the truth.


Dear namesake nanrobbo


What do these terms imply? I'm no wiser!


Your ever loving lost relative



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I thought that POM was a dig back at the British, as it was originally 'Prisoners Of his/her Majesty?


I may be supporting the British and Irish Isles side in Oz (batting very slowly in this Test, I may add), but I honestly thought the term 'pom' was one 'recovered' by the baggy green reprobates* ......


I might be very wrong, but I was told that by an Aussie .....


*a large proportion of which may well be my erstwhile cousins, but, sheesh, have they lost their sense of humour ........

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Red, I'm not positive but I think Squarehead is German. Septic tank a Yank.

and Abbo a rather nasty term for native Australians -Aboriginals.

None of the above names I've ever used.

Love Aunty M x


Squarehead is certainly an older term for a German. A few years ago the BBC produced a great series about the early years of football, and England were awarded a penalty, in a friendly (I don't think it was the infamous '36 match), but I'm not sure. It was however before the Second World War.


I think Wilf Mannion went to to take it, and was confronted by the German keeper, who gave a torrent of abuse. Wilf (were it him) then said,


"Get back to your line before I knock that square head of yours into a round one!"*


I'll google if and when I get away from the cricket.


*pretty much verbatim from the programme .......

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Red, I'm not positive but I think Squarehead is German. Septic tank a Yank.

and Abbo a rather nasty term for native Australians -Aboriginals.

None of the above names I've ever used.

Love Aunty M x


I certainly agree with the fact that Abbo is offensive. Tea time in the Test and no further wickets down ....... oops, that bit - wrong thread!

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I thought that POM was a dig back at the British, as it was originally 'Prisoners Of his/her Majesty?


Yeah, thats true I believe.


Still, being called a POM, doesn't offend me, whatever it stands for. (waits in anticipation to what might be suggested)




shame I hate cricket Happy, because I haven't slept properly in 3 nights. I'm actually looking forward to starting my evening shifts tonight!

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