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Omg is this really LEGAL? Provident!

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i use to drive a van delivering veg so yes i did live in real world, but i study at night college after work did second job on sat and sun ,all save up ready to start business, i have a hard start to life but there is lots of oppotunity if you work hard and try instead of sitting at home and blame the world that you are skint, looks like you wasted another night infront of the PC/what do to with your next giro instead of finding way to make live better,

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i'm not blaming the banks, banks don't tend to offer such obscene "APR" rates; it's companies like Shopachek/ Provident and their ilk that I take issue with.


and yes. Despite his arson threats to me, the fractured cheekbones I got, and countless black eyes, the broken injunctions etc, that toe-rag is gone, and has been well- gone, for some years.


Most of these companies are ultimately owned by banks. They keep them at arms length so as not to spoil their high street image.


What is the answer to this? As I have said, those who do pay tend to subsidise those that don't. Are credit unions any better at separating the needy from the greedy? Is there a need for a new kind of lender? Surely there must be some way of solving the basic social problem of this country, i.e. that the most vulnerable in society are left to compete with the most dangerous.


btw, glad to hear the a****ole is no longer around :)

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Well done. I hope your retirement party goes well with the food and music you have already chosen, and no doubt your funeral will be the event of the year. Then your well planned and totally insignificant life will be complete.


On the other hand, if you ever do end up on your arse unexpectedly, don't expect any help around here :)

i doubt i will ever end up on my arse as i have put money aside for raine days and everything has been plan for the next 5 years minimum

my funeral will be a bit further then yours as i have private medical care and have a healthly lifestyle (dont smoke or drink)

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My night in front of the PC was a much more profitable night than a night that could have been spent Peeing my giro up against the wall. It was spent conversing with my friends across the world, seeing as I don't drink, and don't have the physical strength to go out every night, on the razzzzzz, thank you very much.


You come across as a very well balanced, person, you know... You appear to have a chip on both shoulders....

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i use to drive a van delivering veg so yes i did live in real world, but i study at night college after work did second job on sat and sun ,all save up ready to start business, i have a hard start to life but there is lots of oppotunity if you work hard and try instead of sitting at home and blame the world that you are skint, looks like you wasted another night infront of the PC/what do to with your next giro instead of finding way to make live better,



some people are not the same as you and have not had the same opportunities it does not give you the right to downcry others because they have had problems or whatever as caused them to borrow at extorniate rates

and that is what this thread was about.

you have got your life live it while you can dont attempt to impose you views on people who have been there and worn the t-shirt

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i doubt i will ever end up on my arse as i have put money aside for raine days and everything has been plan for the next 5 years minimum

my funeral will be a bit further then yours as i have private medical care and have a healthly lifestyle (dont smoke or drink)


I think it was John Lennon who said


"Life is something that happens whilst you are making other plans"


I sincerely hope that you don't end up on your uppers, but by god, it'd be a right royal reality check moment for you if it did happen.


Look at those people who worked for Rip-off Maxwell on the Daily Mirror, who paid into what they thought was their retirement fund, expecting a reasonable, even if it wasn't luxurious retirement.


they didn't know that their hard-earned was going to fund Maxwell's yacht, and his son's huge houses...


just mind out, whilst you are busy being so smug at us "unfortunates", that life doesn't come and give you a t-rex-sized bite on the old 'arris.

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i am sick of paying all this tax for people with no intention to work


who said I dont work and once again you assume I dont pay taxes or did you mean everyone on the forum did not pay taxes and did not work.

I would imagine from the comments made on this forum by others over the years most are obviously some very well educated people


but what as that got to do with this thread.

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i am sick of paying all this tax for people with no intention to work


Never mind, you could always emigrate. Presumably there are loads of other countries that provide free health care and education to non-natives.


PS make your mind up you tosser. It's only three weeks ago you were claiming to be a skint student


http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showpost.php?p=1537930&postcount=31 :loopy:

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