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Blue Room Protests/ Is foie gras animal cruelty?

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I suspect people are capable of making their own decisions when deciding what they will and won't eat and what restaurants they care to patronise.


If they were protesting outside of any restaurant I was going to, I would order it on purpose.


The Blue Room should make a promotion out of it - half price offer on Fois Gras when protests are taking place. :)


If they have so much free time on their hands you'd think they'd do something more constructive than mither people about fat ducks.

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If they were protesting outside of any restaurant I was going to, I would order it on purpose.



ooh you rebel


They're not morons just for protesting though. I'm sure they're not stopping people going in are they?


I actually like foie gras and veal....in fact I think it's veally nice



OK OK I'll get me coat

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Ha Ha Ha.... :hihi:


Just because you don't like meat, it doesn't mean others can't enjoy it.




It is more than just meat, look at the link posted above - it is prolonged cruelty!


I just hope the veggies on this meal do not feel too guilty.



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I just hope the veggies on this meal do not feel too guilty.


Why would they? They won't be eating any.


There isn't any on the set menu anyway, even if they were suddenly and inexplicably compelled to eat liver. :rolleyes:

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.......for using this particular establishment, fool!!!


no need to be abusive.

If you cannot make your argument without resorting to insulting name calling then you should come back to it tommorrow when you have had time to cool off.


Maybe you can think about improving your vocabulary while you are at it and then you would not need to resort to this childishness

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and sit in a window seat wearing a huge fur coat and crocodile sling-backs :)


And Meaks is about the only person I know that could carry it off :cool:


Look, pasty, we've been going to Kumquat Mae for the last few meals, and our carnivore friends have been going along without complaint and enjoying what they've been served.


It's now time for the herbivores to go somewhere where they can eat what they most enjoy, which I'm sure won't be foie gras or veal anyway. I certainly won't feel guilty as I wont be eating any of it, there's plenty of choice for non meat eating people on the menu.

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