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Anyone know about Longley Hall...?

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Yes it is going back thirty years or so, the son was very tall with jet black curly hair, anyway it dosen't matter. I was only in the nurses home to service the televisions unfortunately, although one day I knocked on a door and the the young lady who was half asleep must have thought I was her boyfriend because I thought all my birthdays had come at once. Unfortunately I had to decline her kind offer. She was beautiful.

You werent there to service the nurses then Graham. ! Im not sure wether the nurses home was originally the place you mention.,greybeard ,It seemed quite an old building and is still there.

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Will you change your Avatar, M`Lord ? Maybe a crown would be appropriate, Sire ?

I need an avatar to express my new found arrogance!


This avatar now will go as soon as hecate begs me to remove it and not a moment sooner!

Its the only bit of imagined power i have over her and I DEMAND my moment of pointless glory!

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Just revieved this email too regarding the rebels thing:


When I was a kid, I used to visit gramam with my dad. She was usually ailing and in bed. When I used to go upstairs to see her, she would always point to a carpet covered spot by the bed, and say, “Don’t stand there, it’s not safe”, I never knew, or thought to ask, “Why?” In those days, you spoke when spoken to, especially to older people. Years later, I found out a few facts, very reluctantly squeezed out of tight lipped aunties. How much is true?, I don’t know, but here it is…….., Very few people would discuss grandad, only occasionally would dad say he missed him, I understand that dad was only 13 when granddad died. Apparently gramams’ mam and dad lived in Stoke, or thereabouts, the local townsfolk drove the family out because they were hoarding arms for some revolution, or other. They came to Sheffield (or Rotherham, I’m not sure which), they met granddads parents, who were the local equivalent to their misdeeds, and that’s how our grandparents met. I understand that granddad was killed by the police in the 1926 riots. The only record I can find is that he died in the Northern General through epilepsy, (well, they would say this, wouldn’t they?) though I don’t know of any one else in the family who suffers from this, so I find it unlikely.

Coming back to the unsafe spot in the bedroom, apparently, they kept arms under the floor boards, (coshes etc.), this came from dad; he says the coshes were of lead, with a wire sleeve bound with tape.

Hi Jabbers. You said your family were a bunch of rascals and I had this thought, they say that birds of a feather flock together and in the Sheffield 5 area including Ecclesfield and Grenoside were the descendent's of the Loxley family, you can see the family tree here. I wonder if your family associated with any of them?


If these people were descended from Robert/Robin of Loxley, then your family may have felt quite at home at Longley, near to Southey and Deerlands as it is. :D


They say Robin Hood was a yeoman like your family on Longley Hall Farm so how do you fancy an avatar of a guy with a bow. If it tickles your fancy there are some good pictures here. :thumbsup:

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Just been informed that the occupants of Longley Hall used to keep a member of the family locked in the attic to avoid embarrassment. They let him out on occasion for exercise, and several people reported seeing the hooded figure with ugly feet wandering the grounds on a short tether..... usually after dark.


It kept the local kids away apparently.


You're famous Jabber.:thumbsup:

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