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What's the point of ASBOs?

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a madman - thats what the lefties would call him, unless he was as she of course.


Hear, hear!!


This 'madman' would at least be thinking of doing something positive for the benefit of the majority. So far, the so-called caring few have managed to come up with nowt that doesn't ensure the ASBO magnets don't continue to be a bane on society.:rolleyes:

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Since we let the looney left in standards have rapidly dropped. During the years of the Tories we had the 'Wayne and Waynetta slobs'. Now we have a small army of inbred Chavs growing rapidly and without a care for morals or decent behaviour.


2 ways to solve it:- Harsh i know but its time to sterilise the Chav element and stop the inbreeding or we are doomed. Delinquents breed delinquents.


Last way is get rid of the do-gooders 'give them a fiftieth chance' brigade and bring back discipline and moral values unconditionally. anyone who fails to abide by the rules is sent to a boot camp where they will learn to conform to society's values or stay in simple as. Boot camps won't be holiday camps but places where the young chav fears to go. Health food will be on the menu.Without a macdonalds for a few months the Chav will soon realise he must conform to society.

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anyone who fails to abide by the rules is sent to a boot camp where they will learn to conform to society's values or stay in simple as. Boot camps won't be holiday camps but places where the young chav fears to go. Health food will be on the menu.Without a macdonalds for a few months the Chav will soon realise he must conform to society.


Sorry to say but this was tried in the 80's. It was called the 'Short sharp shock.' It did not work and offending behaviour increased. You need to come up with something new. Re-hashing failed policies will get us nowhere.

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Yeah, but where is she living right now? Next to someone who is currentlly screaming 'what have I done to deserve this'. Nothing is fixed, just moved on.


No not at all i believe she is living with a family member as the council wont give her another property.

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No not at all i believe she is living with a family member as the council wont give her another property.


As I said, moved on. Family member or not, if the behaviour continues it is the new neighbours that suffer. Would you agree to live next door? I wouldn't.

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