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What's the point of ASBOs?

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What's the point of ASBOs when the scum aren't abiding by them?


Last year, 100% of ASBOs issued in Sheffield were breached.


One individual breached an order 24 times and another 16 times in 2003.


Does ASBO stand for Awkward, So Bugger Off?



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Gosh you do seem negative.I blame staff in schools for not controlling and remediating their behaviour.

Yeah, so do I. :thumbsup: We're all doomed I tells ya ... DOOOOOOMED!!!! :gag::hihi: :hihi:


PS. You little wind-up merchant you. :wink:

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Someone who i know of has had 2 asbo orders served on her for being a nuisance neighbour.The council have now evicted her,so they do sometimes work i suppose.


Yeah, but where is she living right now? Next to someone who is currentlly screaming 'what have I done to deserve this'. Nothing is fixed, just moved on.

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How can any one expect the person with the ASBO to comply ?


The very reason that they have earned an ASBO shows that they have no reason, they are usually low intelligence and do not understand or care about the needs of others.

It is up to us (society ) to bring in the corect measures, if we cannot curb their poor behaviour with ASBOs then we must apply better methods.

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How can any one expect the person with the ASBO to comply ?


The very reason that they have earned an ASBO shows that they have no reason, they are usually low intelligence and do not understand or care about the needs of others.

It is up to us (society ) to bring in the corect measures, if we cannot curb their poor behaviour with ASBOs then we must apply better methods.


I agree. But who is to devise these 'better methods'?

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