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Is this the right or wrong time to buy a house?

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chill dude :rolleyes:

no one who's involved in the topic is upset by a slight drift for a post or two.


So - where's the best bargain segment of the market at the moment, and what locations are under valued (or less over valued).

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Originally posted by Sara

Clearly you have given this a lot of thought and consideration, flexed your intellectual muscle, are these the only optioons then? Tell me, do you still beat you wife? - Obviously I'm not implying you do, I don't even know if you're married but such closed hobson choice questions are really just a form of entrapment for stupid people, give me some credit...



Don't be so melodramatic. Answer the question. In your opinion, what do you think single, elderly "empty nesters" should do? I can think of 3 choices - staying in the large family home, downgrading to a smaller home, or moving to a nursing home (which you've already said you wouldn't want to force them to do). So that leaves 2 choices - which is it? Feel free to add any further choices by all means, but just answer the question.

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You see this is what I have been trying to explain all along, what I wish people would do is not what I think they should do, people do have the right to live wherever they want, but in my utopian ideal people would live in houses that "fit".


I assume you know nothing about the UK's housing provision for the elderly, as I know only a very very little and yet even I know that there are a variety of alternatives, not just nursing homes. For years my Mum managed a complex of about 80 buingalows for the retired where people purchased their own homes, were completely independant, no one sticking their nose in, but with a pavillion for keep fit clubs, hairdresers, religious services, lunch clubs, darts clubs, a bowling green, organised trips etc etc etc which they could participate in or not as they pleased and the added security that every morning they would get a quick phone call just to say "are you alright" and an orange cord in every room that they could pull in an emergency.


I was quite happy when my parents retired and said that they were going into such a scheme as it meant that they could downsize, free up their equity and spend it having a really fulfilling retirement (SKIers = Spending the Kids Inheritance). They earned the money and I am glad that it is making them happy in their retirement instead of being tied up in some big old dusty house that they don't fully use., with a garden getting overgrown because it is too big for them to manage anymore. I like to think that a family with kids have mjoved into our old family home and that those kids are having as much fun skinning their knees and scrumping apples from the neighbour as we did. I barely see my parents anymore, they always seem to be off visiting some part of the world they always said they would but never got round to whilst working and raising a family.


But I ramble - to answer you question, I don't want to tell people what they should do, I merely expressed my opinion as to what I wish they would do so Pthwwwwwww (Couldn't quite think how to spell raspberry, but you get my drift):P

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Originally posted by Cyclone

isn't that a little disingeniuous. You wish they would do it, but don't think that they should do it. Surely that's contradictory?


OK, let me qualify for the obvious pedant in you - I wish they would but I don't think they should be forced to

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Originally posted by Sara

You see this is what I have been trying to explain all along, what I wish people would do is not what I think they should do, people do have the right to live wherever they want, but in my utopian ideal people would live in houses that "fit".



But surely, if I as a single person wanted to buy a four-bedroomed abode on Psalter Lane for three-hundred thousand, and could afford to run it, then I should?


The fact thatI wouldn't pay three-hundred thousand pounds for it, is neither here-nor-there. but if I wanted to, and could afford to, don't you think I should?


Alex - :)

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