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Naked calendar volunteers needed

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I can name 10 men on ere who would look good naked, but I am not one to mention names :)


I'm too modest to allow my name to go forward Spiderpete - but thanks for thinking about me. :rolleyes:


How about you volunteering eh?

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Last Sunday The N.E German Shepherd Dog rescue Rocky Fund did a great nude 2007 calendar shoot at The Ryedale Folk Museum - yes you do have to cloth off but everyone involved had a great day.we all obviously felt really embarassed but as soon as the shoot started we all thought, what the hell its our charity, its only like the W.I calender, nobody sees anything, well only the photographer.

P.S.if anyone would like to buy a 2007 GSD Rescue calender they will be £10 each - just let me know.

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Cheers mate.I have about 6 definates at the mo.We sold 300 last year but could have sold many more if we'd started earlier.If it is publisized right i'm sure we could easily beat that.I'll spread the word.



You didn't specify if you wanted male or female volunteers?

I am female btw.

If you get enough interest you could do a male and female one.

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