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Buchanan Road - Any info?

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Originally posted by oldtimer



It is a crying shame that those houses were allowed to get into that state.



Blame the Parents . . .


They allow kids to roam like a pack of hunting dogs and their gardens to grow into a scrapyard wilderness.


The rot set in when Parents preferred to bash the Teacher instead of slapping their foul mouthed kids. :(

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Originally posted by Yorkie


Originally posted by Plain Talker

PT (who thinks it's a huge pity that all these properties, across the city are being demolished, when there's folk crying out for housing!)



That's not true PT, people just did not want most of those houses, particularly the 2 bedroomed ones.


In some of them you couldn't swing a cat in the kitchen and toilets in the porch are a no no.


We're moving on from the 1930's.


My argument on that one, Yorkie, is that the houses on the 'cross are identical in construction to virtually every other mid-war estate across sheffield. yes, i totally agree, the lavatories in the porches is a primitive and insanitary situation, and the council ought to rectify that situation immediately, if not sooner.


On the Wybourn, and Woodthorpe estates, (I am thinking, particularly) the properties were refurbished, and the loo, Coal-house and storm-porches were knocked through into the kitchen extending the kitchen by another couple of metres in width, and three or so metres of length which, in that admittedly small original design, makes a huge difference.

with decent, new, double-glazed windows, and insulation, coupled with the loo being moved indoors and upstairs, and the kichen being fitted out, nicely, they are actually really nice properties.


It's only the properties on the Manor (same designs, different building contractor) which were beyond redemption. the contractor used something called "Black Mortar" which was acidic and rotted the wall-ties, making the properties structurally unsound, and prohibitively expensive to repair. demolition was pretty much the only option, there.


It makes me mad, and sad that the council rip the hearts out of these communities, like at Shirecliffe, Parson X and such like.


they did it in Netherthorpe and Pitsmoor, in the 50's, they did it To Darnall in the 1960's and Attercliffe in the early 70's.


It also happened where I lived, near Highfields library, and where my aunt lived, at Heeley in the mid/late 70's, just to name a few areas..


the residents in those communities were uprooted, and scattered to the four winds, across the city. Any cohesion and any sense of community was lost. Gone, forever.


The council are not learning, though, from what had been done in the past. It is my belief that a lot of social problems on these estates is not just a result of bad/ lackof discipline from parents, but also that, because of the lack of cohesion, lack of a sense of community, folk do not feel a sense of social responsibility and sense of "Duty" (not quite the right phrase that I want) toward the community and facilities within that community. That feeling of "this park belongs to us, we mustn't vandalise it", "That bench is placed there in memory of our neighbour, it would be wrong to damage it". (do you get what I am trying to convey?)


If the council "had" to do what they are doing in Shirecliffe and Parson Cross, there ought to have been an option for those people who wanted to remain in that area/ community to do so.


The stock of social housing is shrinking drastically, yet the need for it is not. (both from the wholesale demolition and from the sale of the stock)


Waiting lists for council homes are as long as ever.


So, where will these people wanting housing have to go? they can't get housed by the council. they cannot afford to buy. they are caught in a cleft stick.


It's bad planning, and bad decision -making, and it is my opinion that these decisions that the council have made will turn around and bite the council in the backside.


and edited to add:-

now, look at what's happening in pitsmoor and foxhill... (just as a f'r'instance....)


the council are now demolishing the very housing that was built to replace the slums... shakes head, disbelievingly



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We must progress now and bulldoze the lot as soon as possible.


I can't understand why just the occasional semi has been demolished in the midst of hundreds that have been boarded up.


It's a pity that some light industry can't be introduced into the midst of Parson Cross.


The Magnet pub has been demolished for some time - I am surprised to see some private houses being build alongside.

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In spite of my earlier comments, I do realise that I am 65 years old, and those houses are also that age. I am out of touch with Sheffield, not been there since 1959, so I am not qualified to comment, but it was just that I lived there, and its a shame. Having said that, maybe someone could put actual street addresses to those pictures? Because of the condition of the houses, and the fact that it was so long ago, I have to admit that I don't recognise any of them. Yes, they were small, yes, the toilet and the coil oil were in the porch, there was no heat or hot water unless the fire was going, (no oven either) but my parents raised me and my brother there. Had lots of friends there, we never got into trouble, one of the reasons being that a copper lived on Lyminster road, and he knew all of us, more to the point, though, he knew our parents. When he came riding by on his 500 ton bike, we stopped what we were doing, even if we knew we were doing nothing wrong. IT WAS CALLED RESPECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Has that all gone??

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Parson Cross will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes.


People also mourned it's passing when it was green fields from Wadsley Bridge to Ecclesfield, in 1937.


Our children and their children deserve more than a ghetto.

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There used to be a row of shops on the left hand side as you went on from Adlington Road end. Houses on the right.

Didn't see much of it really, but it led to Wordsworth Avenue at the other end. Chaucer School end.

Used to ride me motor bike on there in me youth!

Passed through mainly.


This would have been round about 1960 to 1962.

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Originally posted by Alanbro

There used to be a row of shops on the left hand side as you went on from Adlington Road end. Houses on the right.

Didn't see much of it really, but it led to Wordsworth Avenue at the other end. Chaucer School end.

Used to ride me motor bike on there in me youth!

Passed through mainly.


This would have been round about 1960 to 1962.



They are the second row of shops on Buchanan Road.


They are suffering very badly too - they are very close to a couple of hundred houses that are now empty with steel shutters on the windows and doors, awaiting demolition.

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Im moving in to a 3 bed corner ex-council property.

Its spaceous and has a brilliant sized garden and double garage.

Its lovely the toilet has been moved upstairs and downstairs knocked through to the kitchen so its massive!!!!

For an extra 50 or 60 grand i coulda baught a new development semi detaches house (what are replacing most of the old council houses) and got a small doll house kitchen and 2 tiny bedrooms and a really undersized garden and single garage!!!!!!! what a shame eh!!!!! oh and add on another 100 grand and i coulda made it a detached this means and inch away from my nabour!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have just been round the old estate and can't believe how many houses are boarded up.


I did notice that some houses amidst all this deriliction do seem to be occupied I can only guess that these belong to people who have bought them from the council.


I wonder what will hapen to them when the knock down all these houses, surely they will have to go to ???


Anybody any clues?

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