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The thunderstorm megathread (all thunder threads are in here)

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I remember in 2002, my girlfriend who had moved form Leicester to Sheffield remarked on all the thunder Sheffield seemed to have, and now I know why.

We had a storm last night here in Leicestershire and it was pathetic when compared to a Yorky storm.

I wonder if the geographical locations of both places have anything to do with it.


Probably. I remember once reading somewhere that Sheffield's climate is largely dictated by its proximity to the pennines, but I'm not sure exactly how. Years ago I lived in Liverpool, and saw some absolutely incredible storms, after I'd moved away I found out that the area was particularly vulnerable to this sort of weather because of where it was.

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Did anyone see the lightning strike the tree on Meadowhead Island?


Drove round it on the road at about 10.20pm last night split the tree in half!

Is that what it was?! I saw the tree split in half at about 9.30pm laid on the island but wondered if it had just blown over or something!! Blimey!!


he hey!! it was great, did you see my kiddie winks in their trunks, swimming costumes and wellies??


I remember seeing 3 kids (well, looked like older kids, 12-14 sort of age) in shorts and t-shirts near the bus stop??

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