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Abusive passenger kicked off Supertram after bigoted tirade

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The guy living next door to me who indulged every now and then and went on the occasional rant, offending all, had major problems.

His wife told me that he suffered abuse and neglect in childhood. It seemed to me that the only way he could get any kind of attention, just like a naughty kid, would be to go off on one, any attention all be it negative was attention to him.

Did he deserve a kicking?

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The guy living next door to me who indulged every now and then and went on the occasional rant, offending all, had major problems.

His wife told me that he suffered abuse and neglect in childhood. It seemed to me that the only way he could get any kind of attention, just like a naughty kid, would be to go off on one, any attention all be it negative was attention to him.

Did he deserve a kicking?


If he threatened violence, and spouted racist abuse, then yes.


Having a bad upbringing doesn't make you immune to prosecution for crimes.

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Of course it doesn't. But it goes some way to explaining his behaviour..........if that's the case of course.


True. But then that's a big, big debate. Where do you draw the line? Loads and loads of people that commit crimes have had upbringings/backgrounds that may explain what they've done, but the line (i.e. the law) has to be applied universally, regardless of that. I guess sometimes it seems more fair than others, but a universal standard for behaviour has to exist in any functioning society.

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Cyclone, not good to be in angry parent mode all the time chill out a bit : My post is about my ex neighbour, in answer to a now deleted Mafia post.


I'm not sure what you mean? I'm not a parent and I'm not angry.

Your angry neighbour, if he threatens people with violence should be prosecuted.

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Cyclone, You don't have to be a parent it's a personality trait............ Paula I agree with all you've said, however I do feel that the number of people who display this sort of behaviour in public is few and far between, the way I see it is we have more important issues in society today to worry about.

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