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Should cyclists be required to wear High-Visibility Vests or Jackets?

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Nope, certainly wasn't suggesting any of those things.


The rules as they stand are fine, I follow them all thanks, far more closely than many motorists I see.


---------- Post added 08-07-2017 at 20:00 ----------


What I understand though, that perhaps you've not heard, is that the more cyclists there are, the safer every cyclist is. And the more barriers you create to cycling, ie tests, licenses, mandatory clothing, and so on, the less people will cycle.

What you are proposing will directly increase harm to cyclists. And I don't like that idea, because I'm a cyclists sometimes.


---------- Post added 08-07-2017 at 20:01 ----------


IF cyclists were required/expected to obey the rules in the same way as motorists

They are by the way, this is already the case. But like some motorists, some cyclists will ignore the rules when they think they can get away with it. Generally this is less of a problem with a bike due to the fact that it's not 1500kg doing 50 mph.

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Absolutely they should have to wear these , anything to make them look as daft as the "Mock racer lycra" get ups most of them wear:hihi: and whilst we are talking about what cyclists should do they should also have to be insured and registered and pay a usage fee for their special cycle lanes.


You mean Cycle lanes that cars are always parked on :loopy:

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In reply to the question being asked, I would say yes. Reluctantly.


I say this as both a motorist and a cyclist. It's not always easy to spot cyclists while driving due to road layout, parked vehicles, lots of pedestrians, trees etc so when cycling, I am quite willing to wear something that will make it easier for another Road user to spot me.


And in wearing high-viz, I don't use it as an excuse to ride less cautiously assuming that I will be seen by everyone in plenty of time.


I ride assuming that I'm invisible to everyone.


I drive and I'm a keen cyclist and all cyclist's during daylight hours can be seen.

The problem is that some driver's are so eager to pull out fearing they will have to wait a few seconds longer when a space come's available they don't look for the cyclist just a space in the traffic.

I alway's take very much care on looking for cyclist's even the bad ones because I know the risk's of cycling.

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Nope, certainly wasn't suggesting any of those things.


You kind of have been backing the notion that its OK not to require cyclists to follow some rules if it puts them off cycling.



The rules as they stand are fine, I follow them all thanks, far more closely than many motorists I see.


You keep making this particular point, but, that some motorists don't follow the rules is not an acceptable argument for allowing cyclists to not follow the rules.


I can't say for certain whether or not you follow all the rules but you have in the past advocated breaking rules in the highway code to suit the impatience of motorists, -specifically speeding.


---------- Post added 08-07-2017 at 20:00 ----------


What I understand though, that perhaps you've not heard, is that the more cyclists there are, the safer every cyclist is. And the more barriers you create to cycling, ie tests, licenses, mandatory clothing, and so on, the less people will cycle.

What you are proposing will directly increase harm to cyclists. And I don't like that idea, because I'm a cyclists sometimes.


I also am a cyclist and motorist and feel cyclists would be better served by being required to know how to properly conduct themselves when mixing with several hundred Kg of material travelling at potentially very dangerous speeds. There are rules in place regarding clothing that should be worn, you said above that you;re not suggesting it is OK to only follow rules when it is convenient, which is it? do you think all cyclists should be required to follow the rules or not?


---------- Post added 08-07-2017 at 20:01 ----------


They are by the way, this is already the case. But like some motorists, some cyclists will ignore the rules when they think they can get away with it. Generally this is less of a problem with a bike due to the fact that it's not 1500kg doing 50 mph.


Generally a very great many of the rules might seem like it is OK to ignore whether you are driving a motor vehicle or not. The point is if you are using the roads you should not be choosing which rules you personally wish to follow, you should follow them all. A cyclist might not be driving a ton and a half of machinery at 50mph but they can still cause a ton and a half of machinery at 50mph to need to take avoiding action (which I believe is the basic definition of dangerous driving) as surely as I could cause another motorist to take such action by driving dangerously in my car.


A cyclist should be required to know the rules of the road before they get on the bike, like every motorist should. They should then be require to conduct themselves in accordance with them.

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