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Would you have voted Corbyn in return for £50,000?

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Everyone seems to be slating students for apparently voting Labour because of free tuition fees


But if you are going to end up with £50,000 of debt what would you do as a young person?


The older generations had free education after all


So if Jeremy Corbyn offered you £50,000 for your vote, what would you do?


Ignore the argument about "money doesn't grow on trees", would you take the £50,000 and pay off a large chunk of your mortgage or would you reject the £50,000 and struggle with a debt for the rest of your working days


Everyone seems to be slating the young people, but Corbyn listened to what people were wanting and put forward a manifesto to appeal to his audience

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Guest sibon
Everyone seems to be slating students for apparently voting Labour because of free tuition fees


But if you are going to end up with £50,000 of debt what would you do as a young person?


The older generations had free education after all


So if Jeremy Corbyn offered you £50,000 for your vote, what would you do?


Ignore the argument about "money doesn't grow on trees", would you take the £50,000 and pay off a large chunk of your mortgage or would you reject the £50,000 and struggle with a debt for the rest of your working days


Everyone seems to be slating the young people, but Corbyn listened to what people were wanting and put forward a manifesto to appeal to his audience



Many old people vote Tory for much lower sums of money.


Corbyn has unleashed a real whirlwind here. Getting 70% of the under 25s out changes the political dynamic completely. All parties are going to have to stop dumping on the young and come up with some policies to improve their life chances. Tuition fees are part of the problem, but job stability and decent homes are part of the mix too.

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Everyone seems to be slating students for apparently voting Labour because of free tuition fees


But if you are going to end up with £50,000 of debt what would you do as a young person?


The older generations had free education after all


So if Jeremy Corbyn offered you £50,000 for your vote, what would you do?


Ignore the argument about "money doesn't grow on trees", would you take the £50,000 and pay off a large chunk of your mortgage or would you reject the £50,000 and struggle with a debt for the rest of your working days


Everyone seems to be slating the young people, but Corbyn listened to what people were wanting and put forward a manifesto to appeal to his audience


I voted for Labour because he was going to give 30hrs/week of free childcare to all 2yr olds which is worth thousands to me. Also, I would imagine, a lot of public sector workers would have voted for Labour as well because the 1% salary annual increase cap would have been scrapped. Also, didn't they also say that they would commit to the triple lock on pensions and the winter fuel allowance. So there is plenty there for the older demographic.


It is not just young people that Labour offered incentives for.

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I did think the PM dropped a clanger when some policies did not go in favour of the older voters, which I thought she should have been getting these people onside


---------- Post added 11-06-2017 at 21:12 ----------


But I can understand why so many younger people did vote Labour

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