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Naseem Hamed sentenced to 15 months & 4 year driving ban - now released

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Don't worry Cyclone - That post regardless of length seemed to try to miss every point anybody made which was adverse - I think Team Naz may now have found their Captain and Head Cheerleader.:D



are you talking about my post, perchance, neddio? i'm not that scary, honest, you can address me directly. :) i had the courtesy to apologise for the length of my posts. this is because nowadays i only have a limited amount of time to go on forums so i have to catch up in chunks. soz.


im not captaining or cheerleading anyone. im trying to encourage people to see that things are nearly always not black and white, but grey. there's a tad too much of the lynch mob mentality about this thread, as has been pointed out by others on the thread. hamed has done something wrong and is being punished (or is he...see djs link) but he is still a human being, like you and me, that's all im saying. rather than gloating at others' comeuppance or misfortunes it is sometimes circumspect to think "there but for the grace of god, go i".


btw, neddio, you seem very familiar with people on this board considering youve only got 13 posts. you've not recently been reborn have you? ;)


Have you seen this :




Cant beleive it, the governer has blatently broken the rules by doing this.


Totally unbeleivable, he should have been in the induction wing for at least a week but he never even got there, being allowed to stay overnight in reception with his minders !


And then transferred to moorlands by a mercedes :huh:


dont believe everything you read in the tabloids. nothing on the bbc site yet, i'll check it out later with the reputable news sites. if it's true, you're right dj, it seems very unfair.



Abdul.........I second what Bruno has said. Your posts on this thread have made brilliant reading. Not only on this thread but on others as well. I have come to rely on your posts as being consistently full of good common sense. You obviously go to great lengths to be correct and fair and I just know that if there is a post from you then it will be worth reading. Keep it up chuck.


thirded. im a newbie but i said to my partner last night, "theres this guy on the sheff forum, abdul, who speaks a lot of sense."

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I don't have any statistics to back it up, but based on the number of performance cars sold, and the number we see in the news having injured/killed people through sheer stupidity, i'd say that it doesn't.


I drive a relatively fast car myself (although not in the same league as a supercar), but it doesn't make me drive like a moron.

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Nah, I'd probably ask myself to prove it, and then I'd reply that it was just an opinion this time and ask myself to prove myself wrong.

By then i'd be getting pretty confused and probably decide to ignore it and see if it all went away.

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i'd heard he's been sent to an open prison now. so he'll still have a life of luxury in there wont he?


I don't know, will he ?


have you been in many open prisons ?

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Just to add to the thread,


I was parked next to the sheffield courts and passed the media circus and Naz's family on the way back to my car. The exit from the car park is a oneway left turn onto a dual carraige way.

Some of Naz's family were in a car infront of me - believe me it was his family as the similarities of obvious.

Waiting behind this car to enter the oneway system i noticed unbelievabley they were trying to turn right onto the dual carriageway. (This brings you straight onto westbar roundabout but facing the wrong way into the traffic!)

They were either oblivious to the oneway arrow directly in front of them or just didnt give a sh*t.


Crap dangerous driving must be their DNA.

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ah, the perils of hauling people up by their shirt collars for postings on other threads. ;)





....aaaand breeeeeeaaathe. :) i promise to try much harder when im reading your posts, diva. :) sometimes i get distracted by silly little things, oooh i dont know, airy fairy little thoughts going through my fluffy little head. :) i will make sure that when im dealing with you in future i am up to scratch and paying attention! :)




sweetie (do you mind if i call you sweetie? its just that "diva" reminds of me that shocking little upstart on BB6, kamal) - im a newbie on here, i know nothing about the history of all the petty squabbles between major posters on here, im just jumping in at the deep end. :)


if you click on my posting name a box drops down and on that it says "visit the white rose's home page!" which leads straight to my blog, for which im about to write another entry when i stop tossing it off on here. you can see quite clearly who i am then and everything about me, :) i am certainly not a blerk (no, im not from 'ull either) and i'm certainly not called carl malibu. great name that, i might nick it for my next novel. :) sounds like a racy coke dealer :)


The White Rose, whenever arguments fail you, you can always fall back on sarcasm.


"Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own, which is the chief reason for that kind of reception it meets in the world, and that so very few are offended with it."


Jonathan Swift

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