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Should I be allowed to burn the flag if I want to?

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The answer is yes.


The wider issue is that this is another example of Trump playing distraction whack-a-mole with everyone so that nobody really gets a quiet moment to focus on the really worrying things about him.

Like the man he just appointed Health Secretary today.


For (yet another-) instance.

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That is correct in that it is possible to burn the US flag on the other side of the pond as it is protected by the first amendment. Trump can give all the rhetoric he wants, it isn't going anywhere.


Or he can put forward a constitutional amendment to forbid it and try to get it passed with the required super-majorities in both houses of congress and by 3/4 of the state legislatures.

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Or he can put forward a constitutional amendment to forbid it and try to get it passed with the required super-majorities in both houses of congress and by 3/4 of the state legislatures.


It'd be a real shame if he focused on that constitutional amendment when there is such a need for one to get money out of politics.

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Burning a poppy can cause all sorts of trouble too.....


. If some followers of a certain religion dont like the fact we remember our war hero`s ,( which is what the poppy is all about ) i suggest they go and live in another country , and have their British citizenship taken away .

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. If some followers of a certain religion dont like the fact we remember our war hero`s ,( which is what the poppy is all about ) i suggest they go and live in another country , and have their British citizenship taken away .


Okay brilliant, now I have to switch sides as I really don't want to be on yours.

And no it's not because you can't type.

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