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Road marking changes Beighton

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Has anyone else notice the silly line marking that has been done on the road from Joe's ice cream to the roundabout of the dual carriage way. It's been turned from two lanes into one so people wanting to turn right onto the dual carriage way to Rotherham are stuck behind everyone wanting get to turn left. The council and there silly ideas causing more traffic and air pollution

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Has anyone else notice the silly line marking that has been done on the road from Joe's ice cream to the roundabout of the dual carriage way. It's been turned from two lanes into one so people wanting to turn right onto the dual carriage way to Rotherham are stuck behind everyone wanting get to turn left. The council and there silly ideas causing more traffic and air pollution


Absolutely ridiculous, I travel on that stretch of road home from work and was stuck in the longest queue I've ever seen there this evening, what the hell does this possibly achieve?? :loopy:

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its for your own good :hihi:. im sure that someone with a knowledge of traffic planning will come along and explain why a road layout that has worked for years needs changing :loopy:


Where on about scc here

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They've done the same thing on the Woodhouse side of the roundabout. As you come down from the tip there used to be two lanes, now there's one lane and a big hatched area. All that's going to do is turn it into a longer single lane queue!

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They've done the same thing on the Woodhouse side of the roundabout. As you come down from the tip there used to be two lanes, now there's one lane and a big hatched area. All that's going to do is turn it into a longer single lane queue!


Possibly not Mart I saw two cars just queuing on the hatching on Leighton side this morning so maybe we are to just ignore these new lanes :hihi:


---------- Post added 27-05-2016 at 08:44 ----------


Beighton not Leighton

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They've done the same thing on the Woodhouse side of the roundabout. As you come down from the tip there used to be two lanes, now there's one lane and a big hatched area. All that's going to do is turn it into a longer single lane queue!


Thats the one I was talking about didn't realise they'd done both ends, I saw cars yesterday who were wanting to turn right (I go left) sort of half in/half out of the hatching but still causing a bigger traffice queue.


I can see no logic in these days of so called green policies of deliberately causing a tail back of standing traffic.

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I can't understand why at all this has been done. Coming back fromKillamarsh at peak teatime rush, the queue of cars coming down past the tip was terrible. If you go into the right lane where the markings are can you get a fine or something ?

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These markings are supposed to make the road safer/ better for cars turning right .now because the lines are broken you can drive through if safe to do so.this will just cause confusion for some.there was nothing rong with that roundabout except some drivers come on to it to quickly of the a57 may be why it's been done.

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